New Video: Vernal Equinox Today

Subscribe to my monthly service yearly or monthly to original materials each month to explain and help you navigate the astrological happenings! I offer a mix of videos (this month over an hour) and mp3s (this month over 40 minutes) that go beyond what I share on The Soul’s Journey radio show/podcast.

I reserve all the best stuff for my subscribers. From Liz in California:

“I love being a subscriber to Tom’s service! Every month, he delves deep into the upcoming aspects and lunations for the month in ways that are always smart and striking (a few of his insights and quotes really stick, and of course seem to apply exactly, as if channeled for me expressly, though I know others are also tuning in ;)… The subscription includes several monthly videos, a communal phone chat, book discounts, and other goodies. Money well spent!”

Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker, and channel with a global practice of consultations, tutoring, and teaching. 15 books, 2 natal reports, a wealth of astrology and channeled audio, and programmed/charged crystals for healing and meditation including the new onyx pieces for Plutonian issues of all kinds are available via