All During January 2017: Transformation Guidance and Support

During January, I’ll host and moderate a private Facebook group to support those who have purchased or do purchase by the end of December my 22 Days of Transformative Energy Work meditation mp3s. (See the 2nd row of the 2nd table on this page.)

This will be a chance to receive support in your grounding, clearing, and upgrading process using these 22 mp3s. I combine the frequencies of Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. St. Germain, Thoth, and Merlin) and Archangel Metatron on each of the mp3s, which are around 20 minutes each.

The effects are powerful, and unlike any other meditation experience you’ve had – energy is moved, debris is cleared, and you are strengthened. It’s an active, empowering process, and I feel fortunate to be a channel for this brand of frankly amazing work.

The idea is that you will listen to one of the mp3s daily and, as you observe the effects and notice how you’re shifting over the weeks, you’ll have access to me for the entire month as you process what comes up. I’ll answer questions and provide context for your experience, and share whatever I can to help you make the most of the clearing/upgrading opportunity.

You’ll also be part of a group going through the same process, and what I share with others will help you along your way and vice versa.

Some who did this as 22 calls live in 2014 are still using them – often daily – to get/stay grounded, sharp, intentional, and deeply self-aware. I’m still getting great comments over two years after the first group of people went through the process.

Each mp3 is different, though each begins with grounding and clearing your energy field. Djehuty and Metatron mix things up and, over the course of the 22 mp3s, cover all the chakras a few times. Many energy clearing and balancing techniques are covered, and you’ll learn a lot about managing yourself as an energetic being.

This is a great chance for friends and family to do something self-improving and growth-oriented together, too.

Be in touch with questions about this process, and I look forward to working with you to clear the old year and set out in the new one with more conscious intent, clarity, compassion, and empowerment!