Saturn Retrograde in Libra/Virgo (13Jan-30May10)

Each year, we get a 5-month chance to revisit how we’re running Saturn’s energy in our lives. The time is for course corrections about what we think Saturn’s about and how our lives reflect it.

The retro started at 4 Libra, and will end on March 30th at 27 Virgo. Beginning in Libra, what’s fair and just needs to be looked at and re-looked at; relationships and justice are the grounds for course corrections.

When it heads back into Virgo, it’ll be time to get specific about things. Virgo’s about detail-oriented work that serves wholes, all in the spirit of some sort of service. If relationship issues have been on your mind since it’s been in Libra, the trip to Virgo will add some analytical insight to what you’ve been working on. And a call to do some hands-on work, taking the issues from the air of Libra to the earth of Virgo, where things have to happen – it’s not enough to discuss.

Virgo tells us that choices must be made, and the time Saturn’s in Virgo (end of March through late July) can be useful for making decisions outside of relationship. Maybe you’ve been getting yourself stuck in circles of dialogue with your friends and loved ones as you try to hammer out issues. Maybe you’ve been in circles in your own head, preparing to talk to your people about the relationships you’ve been having (or would like to have) If so, you’ll get a chance to unplug from the situation and take care of some business on your end before bringing your content back to others.

Tom Jacobs is an astrologer, medium and channel in Tucson, AZ. In addition to private sessions, he tutors people in karmic astrology and also mentors/coaches people in intuitive skills development. Read more at