Announcing a new e-course based on channeling for healing at the soul level, “Soul Healing: Forgiveness & Giving and Taking Back Energy”. This is truly exciting, as I’ve been meditating […]
Month: January 2011
Jupiter Into Aries: A Return to Instinct
We’re right to get excited about the planet of expansion’s entrance of the sign of instinct, action, and decisiveness. If, that is, we’re willing to understand that all the wonderful […]
Karmic Profile: Artist and Writer Robert Motherwell
I know what you’re thinking. There’s that Jacobs again, digging out the chart of someone no one knows anything about. But there’s always a point. And I’m sure some of […]
People Afraid They Might Not Be Who They Think They Are?
I just finished a long channeling work and so had been unavailable to spend energy on the zodiac hoopla all over the news over the last few days. Well, I […]
Announcing a new channeled e-book, “Djehuty: Understanding Loss and Death”
Yes, I did just announce a new volume of channeled material two weeks ago…but by that time, I was already halfway through the second. I don’t know if this focus […]
New channeled e-book: “Djehuty: Approaching Love”
I’m announcing a new e-book of channeled material, “Djehuty: Approaching Love”. I recently began channeling this Ascended Master outside of client sessions and research/writing. I’ve been recording him speaking through […]