Announcing a new e-course based on channeling for healing at the soul level, “Soul Healing: Forgiveness & Giving and Taking Back Energy”. This is truly exciting, as I’ve been meditating on a structured tour I could lead you on so you can benefit from the teachings I’ve been bringing through the last six months.
The channeled volumes Approaching Love and Understanding Loss and Death (see here) are wonderful and important on their own, yet I wanted to develop courses to support you in evolving in the ways those texts invite. Jupiter having just entered Aries is in my 6th house and now opposes my Pluto, so my Aries-based adventure now includes developing new formats such as this one to bring all the 12th house work I’m offering into practical, usable form.
The rundown on the course:
-It happens over e-mail and conference calls, so is open to people everywhere.
-The duration is 6 weeks.
-It begins on February 19th, just after the Sun enters Pisces and conjuncts Chiron in that sign.
Read the full details here.
Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, medium, channel, author, and coach offering insight into why your soul is here and guidance about how to make it happen. Contact him via his site for private readings and to learn about intuitive coaching. Tom is the author of five books on metaphysics and astrology and two volumes of channeling the Ascended Master Djehuty, available via his site, Amazon, and Kindle. Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age: The Key and How to Use It is his groundbreaking new 11-hour MP3 course, also available through his site.