Venus Retrograde Update: Old Relationships?

Original post here, update 1 here.

People who used to be in our life can sometimes resurface during Venus’s retrograde periods. As this time every two years is for revisiting how and why we relate to others, it makes sense. People from our past can be on our minds or, even, call or write out of the blue.

Sometimes we can wonder about those relationships even if it’s been years since they ended. We might be a bit nostalgic or seem that way, or we may simply be thinking of someone we haven’t had contact with for a while.

When people from the past cross your mind during Venus retros, the point is for you to understand more about those relationships. At times it can seem that maybe you are wanting to be in those relationships but this is probably not the case. Either way, look first to what the relationship meant to you.

This will have everything to do with who you were in that relationship or more accurately who you got to be because of what that other person brought out of you.

Others only temporarily complete us. They show us ourselves but also draw out of us unfamiliar and undeveloped parts of us. We get to be more whole when with others but this is really to say that we see how it is that we can choose to be more whole. It’s easier to bring a part of us out when another person naturally and effortlessly draws it to the surface.

When we have difficulty letting go of relationships it is because we long to have permission to be more whole, as whole or as us as when we were with that other person. I recommend reading the channeled volume from Ascended Master Djehuty Approaching Love to get to the bottom of this – he deftly deconstructs romance as a smokescreen for loving ourselves fully and completely, explaining how to grieve and let go of past relationships through choosing now to be more whole on our own.

During this Venus retro you might be rethinking your present relationships. Or, rather, you should be. The way you’re feeling now might not mean that a current relationship has to end, but it might. Right now Venus rules Saturn retroing in Libra. This adds an element of realism to the mix. Venus retroing in Gemini has us wondering about other and new options while Saturn retroing in Libra ruled by Venus instructs us to get real about what current relationships require. Saturn asks, “Is it true that because something isn’t working that this relationship needs to go? Is it possible that what isn’t working reflects an old pattern you haven’t yet seen how to work through?” Venus ruling Saturn in Gemini during the overlap of their retrograde periods says that new thoughts, information, openness, questions, and answers are in order to find out.

And if someone from your past resurfaces now and there seems the possibility of rekindling something special, know that each of you is in need of revisiting past patterns and realities. You will definitely see things in new ways if you give it another go now! And don’t assume it’s ill-fated or doomed because Venus is retrograde. We all need contact with others and sometimes those others resurface from our pasts to trade valuable insights with us that neither of us had then. People always change – that’s the constant. Look at an old relationship resurfacing now as an opportunity to revisit and learn more about the how, what, and why of you, the other person, and the third thing you created together itself.

Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand and do what your soul came here to do. Eleven books, two original natal reports, and numerous astrology and channeled MP3s are available through Join Tom Jacobs when he channels Ascended Master Djehuty for a Full Moon Grounding & Release call for the Capricorn Full Moon to release beliefs you no longer need so you can be more fully present and in compassionate charge of your life.