Venus Retrograde Update: Funds Held

Original post here, update 1 on new relationships here, update 2 on old relationships here, update 3 on what’s important here.

What happened: A day or two before or after purchasing a series of coaching sessions, Australian client orders bedding from the US with the same credit card. The bedding merchant divides the total into three charges, two of which originate in Israel. Credit card company calls client and asks if she charged two amounts to a company in Israel, which of course she did not and she says so. It therefore appears that they are fraudulent. Credit card company alerts PayPal that the coaching sessions the Australian client purchased were fraudulent and the charges are to be reversed. Money is taken from my PayPal account. I contact Australian client to inquire what is happening and she says she did not initiate the reversal, which she of course she did not. I get on the horn with PayPal and learn that the funds will be held until 75 days after PayPal is obligated to respond to the credit card company, which is mid-July, meaning that end of September I will get the funds if the corporations involved decide the charge was not after all fraudulent.

What it looks like to my client:
a) Tom works hard and deserves his money for the wonderful services he provides and I don’t want him inconvenienced and/or not paid for the work he is doing – argh. I don’t like it when this kind of thing happens, especially to someone like Tom – argh.
b) I do not enjoy it when Scorpios get upset with me and Tom is a Scorpio. I hope he is not upset with me. (…argh.)

What it looks like to me:
a) More technical nonsense I have to deal with – if it’s not a device breaking or malfunctioning, it’s something like this – argh.
b) I am being kept from my money – argh./My money is being kept from me – argh.
c) Big corporations and their hypersomething or other policies that inconvenience me and people like me are not cool – argh.
d) I am probably supposed to learn some lesson here but, you know, argh.

What it really means:
a) Venus is retrograde and my client and I are poised to learn some sort of lesson about being attached to money. She has her South Node in the 2nd house and I have my Sun and Neptune in my 2nd house.
b) My client’s North Node is in her 8th house and she needs to learn to trust and relax when it comes to sharing resources with another. My progressed Moon and transiting Jupiter are in my 8th house and I need to learn the same.
c) I obviously do not need the funds right this minute, which is a way of saying that I am invited to learn that I have all I need. (It’s true, as it happens – and with Sun and Neptune in the 2nd house I get to learn this all the time.)
d) The world contains fraudulent use of credit cards and sometimes things like this happen. If we want to use cards and PayPal, things like this sometimes happen.
e) I needed to add a new category to my bookkeeping file labeled “Held by PayPal.”

For anything with money, values, aesthetics, possessions, skills, and relationships that hasn’t been working or seems to be chaotic, there’s a lesson in there now that is your personal Venus Retrograde deal. Look at what you think it means and decide that you might be wrong. Look beyond appearances while keeping in mind that you are supposed to observe yourself and gain new insights that will help you progress along your various sorts of Venusian paths.

It might look like you are inconvenienced, blocked, and/or put out, but you have a choice about if you see through your reaction to some situation and get the personalized nugget waiting for you. Your attachments to Venusian things and situations are what you’re ready to see into and all that happens in your Venusian world now during the retrograde period is/will be trying to show you where you are attached to outcomes in ways that prevent you from being present to what is actually happening.

That Venus is in Gemini is a prompt to see with new perspective those attachments and expectations in order to see novel ways to be present to what is happening in your life and the world around you. Venus stops this retrograde business on June 27th. Look for Venusian things to get a bit more clear and reliable from then until it’s out of shadow on July 31st, but realize that what you’ve been learning during the retro period about your Venusian impulses, expectations, and attachments is important for moving forward.

Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand and do what your soul came here to do. Eleven books, two original natal reports, and numerous astrology and channeled MP3s are available through Get a discounted but amazing reading all about Lilith in your chart for a limited time.