Episode 1: Podcast introduction: The difference between revolution and conscious revolution. Getting grounded so that action can be taken instead of reaction stemming from anger.
Episode 2: I discuss Saturn recently going direct in Libra and the relationship issues we have been facing for the last 5 months of its retrograde in the sign of relationship. I factor in Saturn’s station directly opposite Eris in Aries, giving an overview of my work with Eris and how to understand and work with the pressure that arises with these two bodies in opposition now. Eris offers the opportunity to understand conflict in new ways and to dismantle reactivity, important for us to get in our heads now as transiting Pluto squares and transiting Uranus conjunct the Erises of most people alive on the planet now over the next three years.
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Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand and do what your soul came here to do. Eleven books including the new Lilith: Healing the Wild, two original natal reports, and numerous astrology and channeled MP3s are available through tdjacobs.com.