Mark your calendars! Mondays June 3rd, July 15th, August 5th, and September 9th I’ll facilitate free discussion calls to explore the channeled teachings in the books I’ve brought through from Ascended Master Djehuty, a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin. He’s a being who hangs around and will help us evolve no matter what we need. Always with a voice of compassion and clarity about the hows and whys of human existence, he offers us the chance to understand, heal, and release the past.
What one reader has to say about Approaching Love, subject of the June 3rd call:
Love takes us to great highs and also brings us to the lowest of lows. What if you changed your understanding of how to see love and relationships? What if there was a book out there that showed you another perspective? That talked of romantic love, marriage and your relationships with your children and pets? Sometimes all we need for healing is a new understanding, a new way of seeing things. Sometimes what we need is wisdom. And Tom Jacobs’s new book, “Approaching Love” will give you all of that and more. Written with both compassion and a deep understanding, this is one of the best gifts you can give your heart. I wish you love.
What another reading says about Goddess Past, Present, and Future, subject of the August 5th call:
It is so hard to put into words what I felt while reading this book and practicing the Meditation and Affirmations. I have read many Spiritual books but this one put it all together for me. I have been a student of Astrology for more than 30 years, I studied Human Design, practiced Buddhism, read just about all of the Ramtha books and all of the Law of Attraction books and listen to the tapes and much more material that I won’t list here. Nothing has answered my questions nor helped me understand life and the whys and hows of what is going on in my life and what I have lived and see around me like this book. This book has changed my life and the way I feel about living. It is a book you have to read for yourself to understand how powerful this information is.
In short, these books change lives.
I hope you will join me for these wonderful opportunities to get inside the mind of an Ascended Master who comes through to help us evolve. Right now that means gaining an awareness of our past experiences and why our souls have created them for us to experience. These books are designed to together be a user’s manual for human evolution during these times of change.
See the dates and info in my site calendar.
Get the books as PDFs or paperbacks through my site or Amazon and Kindle, read and ponder them, and then call in for free! I’ll post the call-in details closer to the first call.
Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer and Channel helping you understand what your soul is here to do and how to make it happen with grace, ease, and joy. Book your private consultation, get a Soul’s Journey Soundbite, and explore intuitive coaching and astrology tutoring by visiting Jacobs offers 12 books including the new The Soul’s Journey II: Emotional Archaeology. The Soul’s Journey radio show airs live each Thursday at 6 pm Pacific on Contact Talk Radio.