Listen live at 7pm Pacific tonight, Wednesday 9/18/13, via the big red button on this page.
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Tonight on the show I’ll give you an inside look into Libra that many miss or never even consider. We think Libra is about being nice and getting along but it is in fact about the process of learning how to do that. There are some blind spots we all need to be aware of within relationships and assumptions we need to outgrow in order to get the other-people thing right.
I’ll also touch on the upcoming Autumnal Equinox and Pluto’s station in sextile to Venus-Saturn in Scorpio.
In the 2nd half of the show I’ll take caller questions so get your birth data ready and note the number: 877-230-3062 . The show will in a way be about relationships but your questions can be on any life topic.
Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer and Channel helping you understand what your soul is here to do and how to make it happen with grace, ease, and joy. He channels Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) and Archangel Metatron (a.k.a. Sariel). Book your private consultation, get a Soul’s Journey Soundbite, and explore intuitive coaching and astrology tutoring by visiting Jacobs offers over a dozen books including the new The Soul’s Journey III: A Case Study. The Soul’s Journey radio show airs live each Wednesday at 7 pm Pacific on Contact Talk Radio.