Now available: Transforming Depression & Anxiety MP3

xformdepressionThis is the recording of the event I did yesterday to give you powerful tools to change what is happening in your emotions and field regarding depression and anxiety.

Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron come through me to provide insights into the sources of and remedies for depressive and anxious states.

They emphasize that these are normal human emotions but that some of us get stuck in them because of emotional imprints from the past. The meditation they take you through is powerful and gives you the tools you need to alter your energy field and consciousness for the better.

To evolve now we each need to become the source of love and learn to give ourselves what we have been always seeking from others but not always (or ever) getting from them. This MP3 is the next step in the series of empowering tools from our unseen friends that will help you improve your conception of self and life and to make your world a better place to inhabit.

All listeners receive energy work from these two beings during the meditation.

Read more and order the MP3 here.