Monday, July 7, 2014, 6-7:30pm Pacific. $33. $20 for subscribers to my monthly service.
Register via PayPal or contact me to use another form of payment.
During this event, I will channel Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron while we together do energy work to help you transform the effects of abuse of all kinds.
The human emotional body is impacted by abuse and the personality is then shaped by that impact, yet through the teaching these beings will provide through me on this call and the energy work, you can make peace with the past and be able to file abuse under a heading other than “disempowering.” The fact is that we each create to experience what our souls are vibrating we need to experience. It’s not about suffering and pain, and there’s no punishment. But abuse is part of being human. During this event, you will learn to see a new perspective on why abuse happens and make peace with your soul’s cocreations.
We will plant seeds of positive change as we clear out energies from the past and the beliefs associated with them. After this process, expect to feel lighter, less encumbered by the past, more in your body in a gentle, loving way, and free to remember the past when it comes up with much less or no twinge of pain, regret, anger, and/or shame.
All callers will get the MP3 afterward, and I highly encourage all who can’t make the call to get the MP3. It can be used many times to repeat the process of inviting Djehuty and Metatron in to do energy work and plant seeds for positive change.
Contact me ( or (213) 925-6019) with questions.