I’m excited to have sourced some more labradorite this morning from a local vendor!
Over the last week, I learned that tumbling the labradorite pieces I already had is a perfectly awful idea – the worst I’ve had in a long time, actually. It’s good that I all but ruined a batch to learn it, as it spurred me to learn more about the structure of the stone and how to work with it. And I’m lucky to have found a source here in Tucson that has great stuff from their mines in Madagascar so I can get more programmed/charged and up on my website this week.
Today I picked up spheres, rounded massage wands, and gallets. Here are some pics:

Some of each type will be added to the 4 similar to the first batch this week. I’ll hold them in my lap and program them for a while, putting into them energies from Djehuty and Metatron that will boost the crystal’s natural activation of intuition.
Listen to an mp3 I recorded while programming the first set a few weeks ago on my labradorite page. (I highly recommend listening to this – it includes an explanation of 6th vs 3rd chakra intuition and how to tune them up together.) There you can also see the pieces that have found homes already.

Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker, and channel with a global practice of consultations, tutoring, and teaching. 15 books, 2 natal reports, a wealth of astrology and channeled audio, and programmed/charged crystals for healing and meditation including the new onyx pieces for Plutonian issues of all kinds are available via tdjacobs.com.