I love this stone! First, it was about aesthetics. Of course, right? They’re stunning. My Venus in Libra can’t get enough of them. The pieces pictured here were cut and polished by hand (by me) last year, and I truly enjoyed working with them to reveal their beauty.
Now, for me it’s about connecting with the wisdom of spirit guides easily. I’ve been doing professional readings for over a decade, but using a programmed/charged mookaite piece has guidance on the tip of my tongue.
Spirit guides, ascended masters, angels/archangels, the spirits of the dead, inner kids, and other-life parts of self all come through on unique frequencies. The mookaite makes it no longer necessary for me to focus on finding the frequency to allow guides to talk. For those not doing guided readings, one of these stones will gradually open you to hearing or sensing your own guidance, a fantastic tool for conscious living. Your guides, after all, are all about helping you align your conscious self with the wisdom of your soul.
Clickity-click to read more about these crystals and hear an 18-minute mp3 on my experience using mookaite.
The rough stock I’ll begin cutting and polishing this summer is mostly purplish-beigish-goldish. I sort of watched myself buying it, not consciously choosing, allowing myself to do what vibrated as real, true, and right. Knowing now the story behind what I’m to do with them, I’m really looking forward to it!
Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker, and channel with a global practice of consultations, tutoring, and teaching. 15 books, 2 natal reports, a wealth of astrology and channeled audio, and programmed/charged crystals for healing and meditation including the new onyx pieces for Plutonian issues of all kinds are available via tdjacobs.com.