I’ve just posted a 23-minute audio piece to SoundCloud containing the first few minutes of each of the mp3s comprising The Chakra Course, Part 1. It’ll give you a sense of the vibration and direction with which I created the 3.5-hour course.
Watch a video on it and why I created it, too.
It’s all about taking control of your life, taking back power from what you’ve surrendered to that isn’t true.
The lower 3 chakras must be solid and flowing so that you have a solid foundation to your life. If you’re not grounded, you won’t make the right decisions.
My job is to do all I can to empower you to pull yourself out of past pain, fear, doubt, shame, guilt, regret, and resentment and into faith and love. I provide tools and guidance, sharing all I’ve learned from many sources over the last 13 years of being in a fast-tracked empowerment process.
But your process is entirely in your hands! This mp3 course collects all the channeled teachings I’ve brought through (and lived by) from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) so you can work through your issues and step into greater confidence and empowerment.
Read the great results one user reports here. Read more about and order the course here.