Sagittarius New Moon Channeled Meditation MP3

sagittarius-new-moonThe new lunation meditation is now posted.

The description from my site:

Sagittarius New Moon Channeled Meditation, 29Nov16, 33 minutes, $8 (free for my subscribers).

After you clear energy and while you get grounded, A.M. Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) explains the themes of this lunation including developing or recovering faith in yourself and in life. Saturn’s current transit through the sign is covered as background, and the square from Neptune in Pisces to the lunation is explored in great detail.

Djehuty invites you to always evaluate what you believe and if it is, in fact, true, while choosing to have faith in your nature as a Divine being involved in a vast conspiracy of love between souls.

Order and download it here.

And here’s the chart:
