The True Black Moon Lilith Natal Report is Available Again

Lilith bookBased on my popular book Lilith: Healing the Wild, the True Black Moon Lilith Natal Report is now available to order once again.

It presents a positive approach to this archetype representing the natural, wild feminine that is just as important a part of each human as is the linear, logical mind we’ve been trained to trust above all else.

Instinct is a major Lilith key word, and when we’re in touch with it we trust our bodies.

Due to the effects of patriarchal conditioning, most astrologers tend to read the Lilith myth as we’ve received it as meaning that Lilith is a demonic energy and that she represents a darkness.

It makes for piquing marketing copy, but doesn’t get to the truth of who we are as Lilith. There’s nothing so dark within us that we should fear, shame, avoid, and punish it! That’s how shadows get created, and we are very clearly evolving beyond the need to create, maintain, and fear shadows within.

Astrologers can differ on what they believe that inner darkness is about and means, but I’m told by readers that my approach in the book and report is the only positive, life-affirming take on Lilith out there.

What I do is decouple the myth (which is always social instruction to tell you how to behave and not to behave – so the group can feel safe and secure) from the archetype (how we actually live the energy and experience growth of this part of the self – all about personal and spiritual individuation).

The result touches people all over the world deeply and provides a meaningful interpretation of Lilith that gives people room to grow as the beings that they are, not making damaging assumptions that further the shadow creation we’re so hurting from now.

There’s no longer any need to fear what’s feminine within and around us. As souls living human lives, we’re growing beyond the limitations to self-development imposed by controlling, fear-based culture.

The report covers the natal house and sign of your true BML, aspects to planets and points in your chart, and important transits and progressions happening now and over the next year.

Astrologers and authors Steven Forrest and Lynda Hill say:

The Lilith archetype, banished to the cultural Gulag archipelago a few millennia ago, is now returning to power and the light of collective awareness. I appreciate Tom Jacobs’ work in this territory for a number of reasons. He writes and thinks with clarity, passion and elegance. He punches hard, but he is never fatalistic – you won’t be banished to the Gulag by his words either! And finally I appreciate that he is a man, which helps all us men reclaim our own inner Liliths — Liliths whose exiles are even colder, more silent and more extreme than those of the world’s women.
– Steven Forrest, author of THE INNER SKY and YESTERDAY’S SKY.

Tom Jacobs’ wonderful interpretation of the True Black Moon Lilith is truly enlightening and brilliantly written. Lilith has had some bad press, all the way from the bizarre to the horrid, but Tom gets straight to the heart of the matter and helps us to see what often lies hidden. This report makes compelling reading; I found myself nodding in agreement or reading something through twice as realizations hit their mark. This is a great contribution to our understanding of this mysterious entity. As Tom says in the report ‘…you’re opening yourself to reconnecting with a deeper layer of your being.’ Bravo, Tom, great work!

Read more – my clients and customers have also sent feedback on the report – and order yours here.

Allow up to 10 days for delivery (these reports are still put together by hand).

Holiday/special-time-of-year note: Since people love giving these reports as gifts to friends and family after they’ve read their own, all orders received by the end of 22Dec will be delivered by/on 24Dec.