Sagittarius Full Moon Channeled Meditation 09Jun17

Sagittarius Full Moon Channeled Meditation 09Jun17, 31 minutes, $8.

A.M. Djehuty leads you through a grounding process and then explains the call of the Sun with Ceres in Gemini. Next he focuses on the Sagittarius full moon conjunct Saturn and true Black Moon Lilith and the call to get into your body, feel its wisdom, and trust yourself. The square the Neptune in Pisces is covered briefly, but the real emphasis here is on the Lilith and Saturn conjunctions to the full moon.

Order it here.

Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Energy Worker, and Channel with an active global practice. A Level II graduate of Steven Forrest’s Apprenticeship Program (member since 2004), Tom offers consultations, ongoing coaching, tutoring, and a new series of Evolutionary Astrology classes to teach you to do astrology in the ways taught to him by an ascended master. 16 books, 2 natal reports, energetically programmed crystals, and dozens of astrology and channeled/healing mp3s are available from Tom via