Listen for free to an episode from the archive of The Soul’s Journey, a weekly radio show I did titled, “Why Pluto Work Matters.” In it I explain my unique approach to Pluto that builds on certain evolutionary astrology teachings and adds in channeled wisdom from Ascended Master Djehuty, a wise being who hangs around to help us learn to evolve, no matter what it is that we need.
Then come to Tucson February 8-11, 2018 for The Pluto Intensive, a 4-day healing workshop to unravel disempowerment and powerlessness, deep pain and anger – and all other Plutonian emotions that have been stuck in your field for lifetimes.
We’ll begin with me explaining to you how to come out of misconceptions about what power is and isn’t, and redefine it so you can how to create and own it. Then we’ll get into how to face and work with shadow parts of self, the unattractive, angry, bitter, depressive, resentful, disempowered, and defeated parts of self that we try to keep out of conscious awareness.
When you face the shadow while understanding what it is, you can transform your relationship with it and emerge empowered.
After you understand the terrain of Plutonian issues and emotions and how to work with them, I’ll take you deeply into your own birth chart’s Pluto configuration to make it specific for you and bring it to life.
How many places and times in your life is it acceptable to go into Plutonian territory and air everything out? AND make progress??
You cannot be free of negative Plutonian energies within you until you commit to working through deep emotions. I’ve become expert at holding space for healing deep Plutonian issues, and this intensive is designed for just that.
This is your chance to learn to stop shaming, feeling guilty about, hiding, and punishing yourself for having Pluto in your birth chart!
The intensive is $750 regularly or $675 for my monthly subscribers, payable in two installments. Housing will be available at the intensive venue, and I’ll have details later in 2017.
Limited to 6.
Be in touch with questions, and I’m looking forward to supporting you in transforming your deepest blocks into empowering juice you can use daily to create and own the kind of true spiritual power that is the natural state of your soul.