Over 7 Saturdays beginning May 16, 2020, I’ll lead a dozen people via the Energy is Money is Energy webinar through the energetics surrounding money issues, teaching them to shift what they vibrate so to shift what they are manifesting.
This webinar is full. Stay tuned for another opportunity in Summer 2020.
I’m thinking of this webinar as a affirmation incubator, as each person will work with affirmations on her or his own during the week leading up to a call. Then we’ll meet to discuss what happened–what came up, what thoughts and beliefs surfaced, was was felt, and more.
I’ll teach all attendees to change how they see money in their lives, with the result that blocks can begin to dissolve.
This is based in a channeled teaching on consciousness, emotion/energy, and karma from Ascended Master Djehuty, a.k.a. Hermes, St. Germain, Thoth, and Merlin. Due to this nature of the teaching, it always opens people’s minds to new levels of awareness and new possibilities.
I just taught a 2.5-day version of this for 10 people live/in person, and watched them be affected by the affirmations, realizing that old, disempowering emotions that have been stuck and felt normal to them are not who they are.
I’m eager to bring this back to a distance-learning format! I taught it a number of times beginning 2011, and students always reported shifts during and after the course.
Read all the details and sign up here.