Periodically I’ve offered my twice-monthly channeled meditations for new and full moons to the public (they’re always available as part of my monthly subscription service).
I’ve decided to offer these regularly on Patreon at a low price so that nonsubscribers can purchase them.
These are 30-minute channeled meditations created specifically for the themes of the upcoming lunation. I record each after meditating on how Djehuty/Thoth/Hermes/St. Germain/Merlin (the being I primarily channel) views the lunation in terms of human evolution.
The first, for the Gemini new moon taking place May 22, 2020 is now posted.
From my Patreon page:
Receive a new channeled meditation recorded specifically for each new and full moon (usually 2 episodes per month). Ascended Master Djehuty (Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) gets you grounded, explains the themes of the lunations, and explores specific aspects and how to make the most of the energies in play.
Use these also to get practiced at grounding, which is important for managing stress and all other emotions, increasing self-confidence, and developing and maintaining energetic and emotional boundaries.
Each is around 30 minutes in duration, while periodically some are a bit longer.