Upcoming Events

Begins November 16 (until March 22). Metatron Transmissions: Chakra Clearing and Calibration. Deep Metatron work based in the Chakra Course teachings by Djehuty.
Be on live calls or get the audio after. These Metatron energy work calls and audio files will clear your chakras at every hearing, and also calibrate you to ground from the root up always. The culmination of my 20+ years with Djehuty and Metatron, this is not to be missed.
Read more and sign up. Registration remains open–get the new recordings as they come out.

Begins January 4 for two months: The Pluto Healing Intensive webinar. Learn healthy ways to live with Pluto by learning to effective shadow work. A mix of group class and private coaching. Every attendee receives a minireading on their own Pluto placement to get things rolling. Read more here.

Begins January 18 for 8 meetings: Higher Self Protocol II. Open to those who have completed HSPI. Live practice reading spirit guides weekly in class and most weeks in small groups between class (more personal attention from me than only readings in class). HSPI & II are prerequisites for my Mediumship class. I’ve contacted those who are eligible to join.

See everything I’m up to at tdjacobs.com.