The Pluto Healing Intensive Webinar begins January 4, 2025

On January 4, 2025 I’ll begin another Pluto Healing Intensive Webinar. This 7-week workshop is a mix of lecture with Q&A, private coaching, and group discussion calls to teach you to live with Pluto in healthy, intentional ways.

We fear Pluto because we fear fear, shame, guilt, anger/rage, jealousy, and more. Using your own astrology chart, your spirit guides’ support, the wisdom of Djehuty/Hermes/Thoth, and what I’ve learned from evolutionary astrologers, I’ll show you how to do effective, empowering shadow work so you can live with Pluto and your own Plutonian self in better ways.

The group calls/classes are scheduled at staggered times to enable people all over the world to attend, and you can also access the recordings after and not be on any if that’s your preference.

It all begins with a 20-minute Pluto reading of your chart, which will be available to all as educational materials (first names only, and you can use a fake name; all who sign up agree to confidentiality). Then a group presentation, private coaching calls you schedule with me, and finally the group calls.

Read all the details and what former attendees have to say on this work and how I teach it here.