2 in stock
1 disk. Could be made into a pendant. I will choose for you from the pictured lot.
Resources to begin:
– A brief explanation of who the ascended master involved in this process is. (1-page PDF)
– Essential: A written channeled message from Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron on healing sexual abuse using brecciated red jasper. It includes a discussion of energy and sex, the multilife sexual journey of humans, info on the emotional body and how to heal and release the past (anger, pain, and abuse) using affirmations and charged brecciated red jasper stones. (33-page PDF)
– Highly recommended: The channeled book Goddess Past, Present, and Future. Djehuty recommends that you read this book (100-page PDF) as well as the PDF linked above to understand the cultural sources of patriarchy, the imbalance between masculine and feminine, and All That Is’s perspectives on sexuality and sexual abuse.
– Blog posts published as I learn about cutting and polishing crystals.
Things to know:
– Click on a thumbnail below to view a larger image.
– PayPal links are in the captions to the pictures. If you prefer using a credit card or a check, contact me at (213) 925-6019 or tom@tdjacobs.com for the mailing address or to provide your card number (do not email or text your card number).
A note on shipping: In the USA, $10.40 insured USPS shipping.
From clients:
I started working with the charged brecciated red jasper stone I received from Tom a little over a month ago, and the effects have been nothing short of profound. Read more.
Glad you warn about physical effects. Otherwise, I would think something is horribly wrong. Just got the rock on Wednesday and started my period today, 10 days early. A big positive shift. Needing more rest. Feeling peaceful in spite of the chaos around me. Able to have healthy boundaries. I think the shift started when I did the subscriber meditation, continued stronger when I read your Web page about the red jasper and got a powerful push when I received my friend, RJ029.
M.S., Pennsylvania