Tiger Iron obelisk


7 in stock


1 small obelisk.

I am happy to offer pieces of tiger iron charged with the vibration of Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin). Each one has been cut by me from a piece of rough rock and then shaped and polished to make them potent grounding stones. Charging them as the last step creates them to be bookmarks for Djehuty’s frequency, powerful, loving sources of support for your evolution.

There’s the sober, Saturnian intro. Here’s what I really want to say: I’m entirely suped up, jazzed, and atwitter to make these available! This is a labor of love for me so that you can get better grounded and remain that way, able to see your life’s contours and manifestations with more clarity and develop more confidence to change things for the better. As you’ll read in the PDF linked to below this was Ascended Master Djehuty’s request of me and after I understood what it was all about I jumped in with both feet.

Resources to begin – scroll down a bit if you are familiar with Djehuty, tiger iron and its 3 constituent crystals (hematite, red jasper, and gold tiger eye), and why I am offering these charged crystals:

  • A brief explanation of who this ascended master is. (a 1-page PDF)
  • A written channeled message from Djehuty about the crystals, tiger iron, and why he asked me to do this including a brief introduction from me. (a 10-page PDF)
  • A 25-minute channeled message from Djehuty recorded while I charged the first set of crystals.
  • A video of me discussing my process in learning about crystals and using tiger iron over the last several years.

A note on shipping: In the USA, $10.40 insured USPS shipping unless otherwise noted.

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