Transforming the Effects of Abuse
Clear residues of all kinds of abuse and call back energies and power lost through abusive dynamics. This work is based in an understanding that fear and anger cannot heal histories of abuse.
Ascended Master Djehuty lead you into a meditation and teaches you to understand why abusive situations happen from the soul’s point of view. I bring in Archangel Metatron to powerfully help you clear the residues of abuse.
When a person experiences any kind of abuse, imprints are made upon his or her energy field and consciousness. Practically speaking, trauma from abuse or chronic stress interfere with all aspects of life, and those who have experienced abuse have had energy put on and into them that needs to be cleared. Djehuty and Metatron are perfect guides for this process.
This deep and powerful clearing mp3 can be used again and again to clear debris you no longer need and open you to building self-respect and healthier relationships with others.
Lovingly recognize the agreements between souls on both sides of abusive relationships and move into a healing space.
92 minutes, automatic download.