Soul’s Journey Soundbite Database
Astrology MP3/Home Study Courses
-Soul’s Journey Multidimensional EA School
—Evolutionary Astrology Fundamentals I
—Evolutionary Astrology Fundamentals II
-Pluto Generations
-Transits MP3 Course
-The Chiron Course
-Asteroid & Centaur Video Course
-26 Ceres Readings: On Care and Love
Live Astrology Classes
Astrology MP3s
Soul’s Journey Soundbite Database
This database is a revolutionary new teaching tool comprising (as of August 27, 2019) 580 Soul’s Journey Soundbite mp3 readings recorded since late 2011 that I’ve anonymized. It’s a searchable database for those interested in learning how I do unique, cutting-edge evolutionary astrology informed by my channeling of Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin, and Hermes).
A Soul’s Journey Soundbite was a 4-step reading that, in around 20 minutes, covered all of the major themes of a person’s life.The replacement is the Soul’s Journey Multilife Overview mp3, which covers the same 4 steps of the story in much more detail, totaling around an hour.
I routinely hear from clients that I seem to know them better than anyone else in their lives, yet we’ve never met or spoken, and they’ve told me nothing about their lives.
Soundbites are cold readings, but I see the soul’s plan. I describe not just what it is, but how to overcome blocks and fears sourced in other-life beliefs, which means that each Soundbite is filled with instructions on how to identify and change karma. People tend to listen to their Soundbites many times, getting new insights into the arc of their lives each time.
Covering Pluto, the South Node of the Moon, the South Node ruler by sign, and the North Node (all considering house, sign, and hard aspects), the soul’s intentions are revealed.
The database is searchable for details related to the 4 steps of what I call the karmic story: house, sign, and hard aspects of each of those 4 symbols, as well as if Pluto or the South Node ruler is retrograde. Day, month, year of birth, and gender are also searchable. The best part: You can listen to each mp3 to hear my delineation as you view the chart, too (note that about 30 mp3s do not have accompanying charts due to a data loss a few years ago).
Watch an overview video introducing the database, watch a video walk-through including screen shots with instructions about navigation and executing searches, and read the PDF instructions with details including how to search the database and more (you’ll want to keep this PDF handy until you get your bearings in the database, especially regarding search terminology and navigation).
IMPORTANT: Access is not automatic after payment; I set it up by hand. Once I see your payment, I’ll provide you access to the database and instructions on getting set up. It may take up to a couple of days.
Registration options:
Astrology Courses
Study Group: EA Fundamentals/Basics I & II with Tom Jacobs
From early Nov. 2023 to mid March 2024 (when EA Intermediate I begins), this study group is for all who have been or are working with EA Fundamentals/Basics I & II. Bring questions on material in those two courses.
Not a general astrology class, but specifically for those learning my unique 4-step EA method who want to continue with EA Intermediate I.
Lots of access to me, pair off to practice–a kind of incubator.
Some wait to sign up until they know when the group calls will be. Once I see who signs up, I’ll set class times to accommodate various time zones and schedules. Figure at least 3 each month will be convenient for you and you can join when you like. (And get the recordings later.)
$255 or 4 payments of $80 each. Register via Podia here.
EA Fundamentals I & II (listed below) are the first steps in my new Soul’s Journey Multidimensional Evolutionary Astrology School.
I’m excited to announce this path toward certification in reading the soul’s journey in birth charts and how to counsel clients to change karma. Click the link or the pic for more information on this 9-step path.
Evolutionary Astrology Fundamentals I
A six-part home-study course to introducing a fast-growing approach to evolutionary astrology.
In this home-study course, I provide you with high-level information on the nature of soul and its multilife journey (as channeled from Ascended Master Djehuty, a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin). You’ll then learn the four steps of karmic analysis central to my evolutionary astrology work–Pluto, the South Node of the Moon, the South Node ruler by sign, and the North Node–and begin practice with detailed instructions with charts I provide.
Evolutionary Astrology Fundamentals II
A 7-module home study course open to those who have taken EA Basics I home-study course, listed above.
This course focuses on forming sentences to create a bare-bones karmic story from provided charts. This skill sets you up in Intermediate I to begin interpreting the meaning of the multidimensional nature of the symbols in the chart (stay tuned for dates for that live webinar).
In EA Basics II you’ll learn to create sentences based in aspects to Pluto, the SN, SN ruler by sign, and NN. By the end, you’ll be able to take any chart and create a complete 4-step karmic story that opens a door to meaning.
Pluto Generations Online Course
I’m happy to announce this course is now available for download! I taught this through Astrology Hub within the last couple of years. It covers Pluto generations from Cancer (births beginning in 1913) to Capricorn (births happening now and until 2023-2024).
The course introduces my work on Pluto as the empowerment journey that the soul sets out for the human to experience over the course of many lifetimes. It continues by explaining the ups and downs inherent in Plutonian journeys in each of the 7 signs, setting you up to understand yourself, your parents and perhaps grandparents, your siblings, and your children–as well as everyone else in your life.
A bunch of bonus dealios are included with the course, including The Soul’s Journey I and The Soul’s Journey II PDF ebooks, the slide shows for all 7 classes, the audio recordings alone, and more. Click here or on the banner above to read all the details and order. $197.
On Care and Love: 26 Ceres Readings
This is a set of twenty-six 20-minute mp3 readings on Ceres in the birth chart. These readings were add-on options during Cerealia 2019 and have been anonymized.
My focus in each reading is to give the chart holder insights into how love and care were modeled for him or her while providing suggestions for how to shift into patterns that promote self-care and well-being.
These readings total just under 9 hours. Each has a chart to go with it (25 with birth times). Also included is an Excel sheet with birth data, gender, and natal house and sign placements as well as direct or retrograde status.
Investment: $25. Read more and order here.
Transits MP3 Course
This stand-alone mp3 home-study course covers transits from Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris to planets and points in the birth chart. 19+ hours.
The planetary archetype and the questions it asks in transit to the natal chart are explained in detail. How to work with clients to help them make the most of each transit’s opportunity is a focus. Conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions by each transiting planet are covered in detail. Finally, a handful of examples for Jupiter conjunction, Saturn square, Pluto opposition, etc. are included.
My aim is to teach you to think astrologically, so a great deal of time is spent teaching you to see the archetype on multiple layers and understand the human psychological and spiritual conditions. This course involves some memorization but the main focus is on helping you learn to work with people and the kinds of issues longer-term transits bring up in their lives. In each section I contrast different responses a chart holder might have to the transit, going deeply into how to help people through challenging times.
The course totals 19 hours and 10 minutes.
$149. Order here.
The Chiron Course
11 hours, 25 minutes. 11 mp3s delivered via Podia.
This is the original Chiron material from me, translated into an astrology teaching after I channeled Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin, Hermes) in early 2008 about what 2012, or the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, was all about.
His answers were about understanding new levels of Chiron’s call for accepting uniqueness and vulnerability and opening the heart. He also emphasized healing the inner child who was shaped during early life with a sense of being worthy of rejection, instead of being worthy of love.
Chiron’s myth and archetype, houses, signs, natal aspects, transits and progressions are covered, as is the Chiron return and Chiron retrograde.
This course was later transcribed and edited to become my book Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age: The Key and How to Use It.
$55. Order via Podia here or contact me for another form of payment.
Note: I’ve heard from listeners that I appear to be half in channeling mode during these recordings, and so be aware that your consciousness might be altered a bit when listening. Maybe listen to some of it first when not driving or operating machinery in order to gauge if the vibration affects you in a significant way.
Asteroid & Centaur Video Course
5 videos totaling 5.5 hours, 5 PowerPoint presentations, 5 PDF handouts covering astrological houses and signs.
Bodies covered: Ceres, Persephone (399), Pallas Athene, Juno, Vesta, Lucifer (1930), Eros (433), asteroid Lilith (1181), Arjunsuri (20300 – I’ve introduced this to astrology), and the centaurs Chiron and Nessus.
The difference between myth and archetype can be vast, and I’ll show you how to read between the lines with all 11 stories. Myth is used for social instruction, while archetype is the thread within the human psyche that is the story we’re actually living.
Using the videos and handouts, you’ll learn how to approach each body in astrological charts not with a few keywords but with an understanding of how we live these stories. A fantastic tool for enlarging your astrological vocabulary to better fit with how we actually live!
Your asteroids course is awesome, I’m getting so much out of it. It’s so hard to get good information on them, and you’ve done us a huge service putting this information into such absorbable format. Thank you!
Jo, New Zealand
Purchase the video course via Podia here.
Live Astrology Classes
Karmic Relationships and How to Heal Them
October 2023’s course is full. Stay tuned for future dates.
In week 1 you’ll learn about individual karma and how to change it, as well as karma between people and how to change it. Between the two meetings, you’ll explore your chart and those of important people in your life using these teachings.
During our 2nd meeting, we’ll use your birth chart to explore what kinds of relationships you draw to you and why. We’ll discuss the kinds of karma you are working with, and how to change it. This will help you understand patterns in your life and begin to shift them.
Note: We will NOT use others’ charts in this workshop—we can see all of your relationship issues in your own chart. This will make complete sense after our first week together. So, no need to get others’ permission to use their charts or get our brains cluttered with a bunch of people’s data!
October 2023’s course is full. Stay tuned for future dates.
Lighting Fires: An Eris Webinar
A 2-week webinar, future dates TBD.
Her name means “strife” and “discord”. When we carry this energy and live it out loud, we can create havoc as we push others’ buttons and they push ours. Dealing with insecurity, feeling raw nerves exposed, escalating tensions, competition, projection, and more can get in the way. I’ll teach you to understand this archetype and learn how to live with Eris within you in healthy ways.
When I’ve taught this in the past, the light bulbs that go off in people are major, and I’m happy to offer it again.
- On the first day you’ll first learn the astrology, myth, archetype, and psychology of Eris. I’ll do a presentation and we’ll have time for Q&A. Attendees will then digest and process for a week, considering how this energy shows up in them and their lives.
- On the second day, all 4 attendees will receive minireadings on their own Eris placements, bringing the teachings to life with tips and tricks for living with Eris’s disruptive energy in healthy ways.
We’ll meet via Zoom and I’ll provide the recordings of the meetings after.
Stay tuned for future dates.
I teach astrology as a living, breathing language, not as sets of lifeless data. By studying with me, you will learn to speak the language that astrology is, incalculably richer and more vibrant than typical astrology tutorials or learning from books or websites. I tailor the sessions to each student.
Tutoring topics could include:
-any of the basics (houses, signs, aspects, planets)
-exploring specific planets through all the signs and/or houses
-transits, progressions, solar arcs
-returns of various bodies
-astrocartography done karmically – a new approach I’ve developed
-what is karma and how to weave a karmic story from the chart
-how to see the soul’s journey in the chart
-how to understand how to change that karma once it is seen
E-mail me to request another form of payment (do not include CC information over email–we’ll set up a time to talk).
Lessons take place over phone or Zoom web conference. I will provide you with the recording after each lesson.
What some students say:
Tom not only brings extensive practical knowledge to his teaching but freely shares his innovative and intuitive style that is raising the world of evolutionary astrology to a new level. Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed my classes with Tom but he has introduced me to the kind of astrology I have been searching for.
A., South Carolina
Tom has been quite helpful to me as an astrology tutor. My main issue had been spending a very long time preparing for consultations with my clients. Tom has taught me how to prepare for a consultation with greater ease and a more reasonable amount of preparation time. Happily my clients seem equally pleased with my work even though I put less arduous time into preparation.
G., Maryland
I found Tom to be both deeply insightful and inspiring in very original ways. The reference points he has incorporated into his work, the voice he hears, allowed me the window for understanding and peace with aspects of myself and my walk that had previously confounded me.
S., Washington
Astrology MP3s
![]() $22. Purchase here. | ![]() | ![]() |
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