Upcoming Live Healing Courses
—Metatron Transmissions: Chakra Clearing & Calibration
Home-study Courses
–Loving Lilith: An End to Shame
–The Chakra Course
–Release: A Course for Healing
—Cerealia: Finding Ceres Within—Now a home-study course
Upcoming Live Healing Courses
Metatron Transmissions: Chakra Clearing & Calibration
Join me for a series of truly transformative energy work sessions!
Based in the teachings of Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) as documented in the Chakra Course, these events will clear and calibrate your field from the 1st through the 7 chakras to improve your quality of life in many ways.
The work will affect issues from many of your soul’s human lives, especially those that recur during this life. Clearing debris from and infusing empowering energy into you is Metatron’s process. Whatever helps you make more self-respecting choices as often as possible motivates him to support you in your transformation.
Be on the live Zoom calls or opt to receive each recording within a day or two of each call. (A mix of both works, too!)
Familiarity with my grounding meditation, the sets of 22 and/or 31 channeled energy work meditations, or other Djehuty/Metatron meditations with energy work such as “Transforming Anxiety and Depression”, etc.
I want you to have some exposure to Metatron’s frequency before this series of deep dives.
Strongly Recommended:
Dates & Times–8 meetings:
8-9 AM Pacific each time. Plan time to rest after each call or hearing.
Note: We always need more time on the root chakra. The first two meetings are followed by a month each to give you more time to process root issues. Also they are timed in anticipation of holiday times for many people that can involve root-chakra memories and perhaps increased time with family and community.
Nov. 16 Root chakra part 1
Dec. 14 Root chakra part 2
Jan. 11 Chakra 2
Jan. 25 Chakra 3
Feb. 8 Chakra 4
Feb. 22 Chakra 5
Mar. 8 Chakra 6
Mar. 22 Chakra 7
The Higher Self Protocol
Opening to and Working with Spirit Guides
Part 1: A 9-week live course to upgrade your vibration to learn to bring your higher self into your daily life, enabling connecting with and beginning to work with your spirit guides.
Part 2: An invitation-only follow up 8-week course to continue learning and practice.
Part 3: Mediumship Course. An extension of Part 2.
Click here to read all the details and register. The next opportunity begins March 26, 2023.
Boundaries Workshop
3 Saturdays: November 4, 11, & 18, 2023.
Straight from the mind of Ascended Master Djehuty learn an updated, Aquarian Age-style definition of boundaries and how to operate more consciously in your relationships.
The old idea of invisible lines that people cross and then we’re offended is a dualistic model based in, frankly, a model of victimhood. I’ll teach you to develop healthy boundaries starting with the power of your intentions and conscious choices.
We’ll discuss the material during the first meeting and then get more specific with issues in your life and relationships. Two more meetings allow you to practice between calls and check back in with me/your spirit guides/Djehuty to make adjustments as needed.
For the sake of expediency, we will not use astrology charts in this workshop. Everything said will be confidential.
I will provide the audio recording after each meeting.
3 Saturdays November 4, 11, & 18, 2023, 12 noon to 1:30 PM Pacific time. Check your time zone here.
Investment: $105. Sign up via Podia here.
Energy is Money is Energy Webinar
Stay tuned for future dates.
Click here for all the details.
Home-study Courses
Loving Lilith: An End to Shame
Channeled home-study healing course. 51K words in 9 modules with questions for reflection. 4 channeled meditations for clearing energy and stabilizing Lilith’s consciousness within you.
The next step in the evolution of tools to support you in making peace with the natural feminine within you (gender and sexual orientation/identity aside). Read more and order.
The Chakra Course
A 9-part mp3 course (including an intro mp3 for each of 2 parts) that replaces the popular Intuitive Skills Development Level 1 course I taught for a number of years. Now it is a prerequisite for my Higher Self Protocol 1 course, to learn to open to and work with spirit guides.
Part 1 (chakras 1-3) covers all I have learned from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) and from experience studying and living with chakras for over 15 years. Part 2 (chakras 4-7) is entirely channeled from Djehuty, and will upgrade your consciousness in important ways once you’re comfortable with the teachings in Part 1.
You can purchase Part 1 first or both at the same time.
Many purchase programmed tiger iron with Part 1 to enhance and support their grounding practice.
Use these mp3s to uncover any blocks to getting into your body, being grounded, and working through blocks from the past.
Part 1, $49.
Part 2, $49.
Parts 1 & 2, $98.
Release: A Course for Healing
This channeled course is a self-guided tour through three important processes: forgiveness of self, forgiveness of other, and calling back your energy from relationships and returning others’ energies to them.
Self-judgment and judgment of other are the two greatest impediments to self-love and self-care, which are absolutely necessary for health on all levels and spiritual evolution. This course will provide you the tools needed to gently and consciously come out of destructive patterns with self and other.
Giving and taking back energy is necessary when relationships have ended (even if long ago), need to or are ready to end, or simply when you are ready to develop better boundaries within existing relationships to make each person and the shared dynamic healthier and stronger.
$45. Read more and order.