I offer channeled audio from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin – pictured as Djehuty here) and Archangel Metatron.
Below the lunation meditations and featured audio, the mp3s here are organized into two tables: 1) Energy work/meditation workshops and intensives with Djehuty and Metatron together, and 2) channeled teachings from Djehuty.
Featured Channeled Audio
St. Germain Transmission: May 6, 2023
I’m making the St. Germain transmission/energy work meditation recording available for sale. Very excited for you to connect with this being!
Use this to open your heart and clear old blocks to being loving, to giving and receiving love. Every time I channel St. Germain it’s a chance for you to shed the painful past.
Whether you’re ready to forgive someone else or yourself, or to cease judging your choices or experiences (or others’), this mp3 will connect you to the opportunity to surrender.
Hear a 2.5-minute excerpt:
When it begins, it’s Djehuty, another face of St. Germain. Over minutes I shift into the other frequency and you’ll be able to hear St. Germain’s voice through me–it’s definitely different!
I was altered for a few days, with for some hours a detachment from the grief I usually feel on top of me. But even as that has edged back to a degree, I am much more tolerant of things that normally stress me. More energized, more able to give self and other the benefit of the doubt (a form of love).
I’ve heard from some on the live call wonderful reactions/responses, too. I didn’t ask for permission to share them but I can say there are some folks out there newly calibrated to the energy of St. Germain.
As with all energy work products from me, this intends to alter you. Plan time afterward to rest or listen while you sleep. Just in case, maybe listen to it when you don’t have much to do after or even the next day. During and/or after hearing it you may cry, have memories from the past float all around/within you. Allow yourself to feel and plan time to integrate.
Click here to purchase. 90 minutes; $44.
Energy Work/Meditation MP3s with Djehuty & Metatron
To support you in these changing times, I’m making 22 of these channeled meditations free to use (donations accepted). Click here for more information and to access the audio links.
I’ve also released a 2nd set of 31 meditations of a similar nature. They cover the same ground but are a unique set. For those who’ve worked with the 22 listed above, expanding the list to 53 total will bring in some fresh air!
Happily Using the 22 and/or 31 Twenty-min. Meditations and Wondering where to go next?
Here: 4 Channeled Energy Work MP3s Bundle
I’ve packaged the Energy and Emotion Clearing Event and the 3 Transforming mp3s into one download. Read more and order here. Included:
- Energy and Emotion Clearing Event
- Transforming Anxiety & Depression
- Transforming Self-doubt
- Transforming the Effects of Abuse
Energy Work Channeled Meditation with Djehuty & Metatron
Clear old structures and debris from your life and recall soul fragments. This is the first event with me channeling Djehuty and Metatron together, making for a potent mix that will change you for the better. In this mp3 Djehuty teaches you a process of fragment retrieval that ends the need for a shamanic middleman, making this an incredibly empowering Aquarian-Age initiation. 145 minutes.
| Deep clearing of old and outmoded energies & emotions and those that came from others. Repeated use of this mp3 will change all of your relationships in wonderful ways, including the one you have with yourself. Debris surrounding mental and emotional structures that keep you feeling small is removed. 91 minutes.
| Alter your image of and relationship with self by releasing self-doubt. Judgments related to past choices and fears about making new choices are released through becoming grounded and present. Others' negative views and opinions of you that might affect your self-confidence are cleaned out. 90 minutes.
Get to the source of and clean up the energetic sources of depression and anxiety. These are normal human emotions that can get emphasized and become ruts when our energy fields get stuck. This mp3 clears underlying sources of these issues and gives you tools to maintain balance in your field and consciousness. 91 minutes.
| Clear residues of all kinds of abuse and call back energies and power lost through abusive dynamics. This work is based in an understanding that fear and anger cannot heal histories of abuse. Lovingly recognize the agreements between souls on both sides of abusive relationships and move into a healing space. 92 minutes.
| In conjunction with programmed onyx for healing Plutonian issues, these 4 hours of mp3s dig down deep into what hurts and empowers you to heal it. The painful past will come up, and you may relive childhood or other-life pain. A charged onyx crystal is highly recommended. Be in touch with Tom for instructions and guidance on using the crystal and mp3s in this process. Four 60-minute mp3s. Same price for subscribers.
In these MP3s Djehuty takes you into a deep state of grounding and teaches you a handful of wonderful energy techniques to do from within a grounded state to alter your field for the better. Opening your heart and using energy generated from it is just one part of the process taught on these two MP3s. Generating love because we choose to is perhaps the greatest single tool for developing a sense of personal, spiritual strength. These MP3s will take you into that space and train you to work your heart energy intentionally, creating strength and resiliency so that you can spend time in awareness of what you feel and work with it in grounded, conscious ways that will improve your experience. 2 mp3s total 102 minutes.
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Lectures from Djehuty
New in June 2021: Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) offers a teaching on healing miscarriage. Acknowledging the need to grieve, he frames cultural, social, and filial expectations of women and their roles through thousands of years of patriarchal living as a backdrop for why some women experience miscarriage. As always, this being shares a higher-level truth without pulling punches or sugar coating anything. This mp3 may push our buttons and the information can help us understand various energetic, emotional, and karmic reasons that miscarriage occurs, whether once or multiple times in a person's life. Special emphasis is given to coming out of blame, self-judgment, guilt, shame, and other harmful energies that we can carry as a result of miscarriage. This is valuable for all to hear, as we have been both sexes many times over millions of lifetimes all along the Earth timeline.
| Recorded in March 2012 at the Vernal Equinox, Djehuty explains how we can create freedom for ourselves from outmoded ideas of who we are and embrace our true spiritual natures. This teaching is important for human evolution regardless of when you hear it. 60 minutes.
| Djehuty discusses the importance of understanding and developing healthy boundaries as we evolve now. This mp3 covers what boundaries are, how we usually think of them, how we can upgrade our consciousness of them, and how to move ahead with conscious awareness of how we create our experiences through our intentions. 57 minutes.
Recorded January of 2012 but it remains relevant. Covering Mars's retrograde in Virgo, Saturn's retrograde in Libra, and Neptune's ingress to Pisces in terms of the notion of responsibility and how to evolve it now to support the evolution of consciousness. 76 minutes.
| Djehuty talks about the evolution/ascension process that we are all invited to go through now and how to manage it with conscious intention. 66 minutes.
| Djehuty explains how emotions, energies, and beliefs manifest physically. The link between emotions and health is being revealed now, and this is Djehuty's contribution to kick-starting your process of becoming aware of how your health on all levels reflects your energy field and how to alter it for the better. 85 minutes.
2 mp3s cover what intuition and guides are, and how we can open to each. Djehuty emphasizes that these tools and abilities are important for our evolution now and discusses road blocks within us to opening to each, also providing context for how intuition and a conscious connection to spirit guides are normal for humans but we have forgotten how to trust ourselves and the unseen worlds.
2 mp3s totaling 144 minutes.
| On our true nature as Divine beings and how the manifestation process works given who we really are. In the process of explaining how it really works, Djehuty offers corrections for some of the metaphysical/New Age teachings that we have had that tell only part of the story. 104 minutes.
| This MP3 explains how each soul relates to its human lives on earth spread out along the earth timeline, and vice versa. This teaching is about your true nature as an energetic being, as part of All That Is, enabling you to understand the emotional process you are experiencing now as you clean up your past. 70 minutes.
This MP3 puts in context fear in general and fears that we might be experiencing now from our pasts. Djehuty specifically outlines how to understand and deal with general and specific fears now as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar. 78 minutes.
| Djehuty explains our relationships with animals in three parts: animals as food (to eat or not to eat?; and the soul journeys that create that experience), the difference between dogs and cats as pets (and the kinds of service they can and do offer us), and the karmic dynamics we have with our pets and how to work through their loss. 73 minutes.
| Djehuty's perspective on why we seek the relationships we do, how we can learn to understand the purpose of relationships, and why many of us are not right now finding the relationships we assert that we want - and why this is in our highest good. 3 mp3s total 147 minutes.
Djehuty speaks about ending the patriarchy gently, while healing the effects of the last 6,000 years of life through that lens. Themes covered: Whys and hows of the patriarchy. Marriage as a tool of patriarchal philosophy. Our histories of marriage during the patriarchy; we are ready to heal this history to have relationships consciously now. Patriarchal sex, unconscious sex, losing energy, putting energy into each other. PMS and PMDD as reflections of the divorce from the Goddess. Healing the anger of feminism. 113 minutes.
| Djehuty speaks about 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar, with the opportunities for healing and evolution available to us now. Covered: What is 2012. The nature of emotions and energy in the human field. Karma defined. Changing beliefs and karma. How diseases manifest as a result of situations in the soul’s other lives. Four tools for daily use to adapt to the changing energies on Earth that are associated with 2012 and support human evolution. The nature of soul. The nature of relationships between the souls of people. A meditation to ground, open to Source, feed the aura, and cleanse the energy field. 109 minutes.
| Improving physical health is addressed as is the reality of the human tendency to absorb energies from others. Djehuty explains various reasons humans don't feel safe in our everyday lives and provides tools to turn that around. This MP3 set is the remedy to collective fears (and the fear of others' fears)! Djehuty also covers how various consumption patterns (media, sugar, alcohol) affect us energetically and contribute to feeling unsafe. Part I is an explanation of immunity, safety, and how to increase your health spiritually and on all levels. Part II is a meditation to use frequently to deeply clear unneeded and undesired energies from your field. 2 mp3s total 59 minutes.
Djehuty speaks about ending patriarchal approaches to sex (masculine-centered) and the damage that they have done over the last six thousand years. A must-have for any sexual being alive now! He emphasizes that we carry the history of the patriarchy in our bodies from the last six millennia, and offers tools to help us remove it and heal so that we can move forward as beings free in our sexuality to be present, to be together in full conscious awareness and access our Divine nature. 109 minutes.
| I channel Djehuty for a small group in Tucson about coming back into balance regarding masculine and feminine. This 2.5 hour talk with Q&A covers listening to the body, honoring our natural sexuality, redefining marriage, understanding homosexuality, and other aspects of our lives that can be or feel out of balance after 6,000 years of patriarchy. 2 mp3s totaling 149 minutes.
| I channel Djehuty for a small group in Tucson about existing human conceptions of wounding and healing, contrasting them with a new perspective on humans as energetic beings. We are ready to come out of disempowerment and learn the truth about wounding and healing, stepping at long last into our true natures as Divine beings creating our reality. 2 mp3s totaling 119 minutes.