The Pluto Healing Intensive Webinar

The next webinar is January-February 2025.

This unique webinar will teach you to approach and live with Pluto in empowered, healthy ways sourced in channeled material from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin, and Hermes).

Healing intensives with me are opportunities to process and release past emotion, conditioning, and beliefs that might get in the way and block or limit you. They have a way of pulling the junk out so we can seed positive, empowering Plutonian energy in its place.

Based upon what I first presented in The Soul’s Journey trilogy of books, my innovative view of Pluto centers on detaching from external models of empowerment (money, achievement, power over-power under games, physical strength, etc.) and developing power through developing self-respect and self-care.

It has much to do with transforming through working with shadow material, processing the depth of what has hurt and angered us, and emerging on the other side with deepened self-awareness and the power of compassion.

It’s not enough to know what your shadows are–what hurts, what you regret, what may make you judge, shame, or limit yourself in any way. Healing with Pluto can only come through conscious shadow work. I’ll teach you to understand your shadows and meet them with the strength of compassion, setting you up to learn to love the shadows and developing true Plutonian power from self-respect and self-care.

In the introductory material in early January, we’ll begin by exploring my unique evolutionary astrology (EA)-based approach to soul, reincarnation, karma, and Pluto. Then we’ll explore the natal charts of all attendees in minireadings not only to bring the concepts to life and make them relevant to all, but to provide a process and space for the deepest sort of healing and empowerment for each participant.

In your 20-min. minireading, I’ll do a blind reading (nothing personal I may know about you will be included). Then after working with that mp3, you’ll have the option of 2 half hours or 4 half hours with me in a private reading setting. We can discuss anything in your natal Pluto configuration and you can ask about current, recent, and upcoming transits and progressions to it to help you understand how to navigate the opportunities and effects with more awareness and clarity.

We’ll rewrite your multilife history of relating to power so that you can inhabit and create your life with confidence and strength now.

You’ll leave this intensive with a clear understanding of how to heal your own Plutonian issues, as well as step forward with an acceptance of how you’re wired and what your soul set out for you to learn along your Plutonian empowerment journey while human.

My approach to Pluto centers on meeting—and confronting with compassion—intense, unpleasant emotions within the self and becoming stronger as a result of bringing love to them. This intensive may at times be, well, intense! I’m expert at guiding people through this territory, and I’m happy to share this teaching and process to another group.

How It Works

  1. This is a 7-week webinar available to all with an internet connection–no travel is involved as with 4-day in-person healing intensives I’ve offered.
  2. I’ll host two group calls in early January to teach the introductory info on soul, Pluto, karma, and reincarnation that’s unique to my approach to EA, and answer questions. I encourage all who can to join, but it’s not necessary, as all can access these recordings after.
  3. Following those two calls, I’ll send each participant a 20-minute prerecorded mp3 reading covering the major themes of Pluto in their own charts.
    Then I’ll schedule participants’ one-on-one Pluto coaching calls with me. These will be two or four 30-minute calls (your choice), and will include me using your birth chart, the input of your spirit guides and Djehuty, and other-life information (Akashic Records) that will help you understand/change current patterns and release the past. We’ll work through things as needed in your own Plutonian life/stories. The 20-minute minireading you’ll have heard already will set us up for exploring the themes on your mind and heart to work through.
    The 20-minute minireadings will be available to all participants in the workshop (via a Podia course) while all will be confidential.
    Note: the private 30-minute coaching calls with me will NOT be shared with others:
    –20-minute prerecorded minireading: shared with all participants for educational purposes
    –two or four 30-minute calls: not shared with other participants
  4. For processing, discussion, and Q&A, I’ll hold optional group calls any and all participants can attend. Due to attendees being in various parts of the world, I will stagger the call times so those in Europe/Africa and Asia/Australia will have a chance to attend.
    These recordings will also be available to all who sign up. These are not required.
    The community enabled by these calls will prove important to many, as we learn from each other’s experience, readings, and processing after the readings.
  5. You’ll learn about your own Plutonian journey as I provide insights and tools to learn to come out of fear and disempowerment, but you will also learn to live with Pluto going forward (transits, progressions, etc.) in new ways, leaving behind the dread of Plutonian times as you learn to make an ally out of this powerful transformer.

Confidentiality Details

All minireadings will be confidential within the group.
By signing up for this workshop, you give consent that other attendees can access your (first-name only) minireading and birth chart.
By signing up for this workshop, you agree not to share anything about others’ minireadings with anyone outside the group.


January-February 2025. Intro presentations (you’ll choose one or watch the recording after) are January 4 & 5.

Optional Group Call Schedule
Specifics TBA. Calls will be staggered for those in various time zones.
Below you can opt to join 6 of them, or unlimited (at least 12, perhaps 15 or more).

Investment and How to Register

Each option includes the Pluto intro presentation class calls, a 20-minute minireading on your own Pluto, and access to everyone’s minireading. There are 4 options, each with a two-payment option:

  1. 4 half-hour coaching calls + 6 group calls. $645.
  2. 4 half-hour coaching calls + unlimited group calls. $745.
  3. 2 half-hour coaching calls + 6 group calls. $460.
  4. 2 half-hour coaching calls + unlimited group calls. $520.


From three 2022 participants:

  1. The readings and group calls are very rich and have definitely triggered a lot of contemplation. I appreciate the set up to be able to listen to the recordings and join the calls at my own pace. I think you are doing quite well handling all the variables on the fly as the course goes along. Thank you and look forward to it all as it emerges.
  2. Thank you so much for this inspiring and healing reading.
    After the reading I felt like in a disco on the dance floor with my guides.
    You are very talented and your work is such an important contribution to this world. Hope you know that.
  3. Seriously Tom I have enjoyed the course immensely. It’s has already been one of the best learning experiences I’ve had, and I haven’t even had my own chart read yet. Thank you for putting so much time and effort and love into all you do.

What past attendees of the 4-day in-person Pluto Healing Intensives have shared about their experiences:

Thank you so much for a truly great and truly intense workshop. I would not have traveled to Sedona for just any old teacher or any old workshop!  Only for intense work lead by a really great teacher, astrologer, and channel. 

I thought the workshop was really valuable and useful with the combination of instruction, wisdom, intense gentle and intentional meditations and focused, personal, powerfully insightful readings. The combinations of teachings, guided meditations and personal readings lead to deep, meaningful and profound openings, clearings and strengthened awareness, all of which was really valuable and quite remarkable for four days. Thank you for all of your hard work, channeling and knowledge. 

It was really wonderful to meet all of you and I think 6 was a great number for this workshop. I really appreciated everyone being SO REAL AND OPEN. It was incredible. I learned so much from witnessing each and every person’s process. I greatly appreciated all of your support and intentionality with witnessing my story. Thank you.

M. Oregon

I feel the Pluto Intensive had a profound effect on me in a positive manner …. I deeply appreciate the hard work you put into making this Intensive successful. Tom, you are an excellent teacher, astrologer, guide, channeler, and medium. A wise, empathic, articulate, and sensitive Shaman.

D., Illinois

Tom’s gifts of channeling and holding space of unconditional love in the room is with the highest respect to your capacity to healing.

I knew the Pluto Intensive was going to be life changing; what I didn’t know is how much. I got my dignity back! For that I am so thankful to Tom Jacobs for doing his soul work on this planet.

M., Laval, QC, Canada