The Chakra Course

This 9-part mp3 course (including an intro mp3 for each of 2 parts), with the Higher Self Protocol course, replaces the popular Intuitive Skills Development Level 1 course I taught for a number of years.

Part 1 focuses on teaching you to understand the issues and blocks that often come up in the lower 3 chakras and how to heal them. In order to grow spiritually, we must be in our bodies and hearts, not just in our minds hoping to connect to Spirit. This part emphasizes the importance of developing a solid foundation of the lower 3 chakras so you can build sanity, security, and strength.

I recommend using the free 13-minute grounding mp3 daily in conjunction with the course. In the flier below you’ll read about energetically programmed stone suggestions to help you advance through this material.

Read what one user reports about a transformation out of powerlessness and anger. Read more about Part 1 in the PDF flier.

Use Part 1 by itself for a while, truly working through what comes up for you. Because of the importance of focusing on the lower chakras, you can purchase Part 1 by itself below and then come back to get Part 2 once you’ve worked through lower-chakra issues.

Hear the first 5 minutes of each mp3 from Part 1, on Chakras 1-3 (15 minutes):


Part 2 focuses on the upper 4 chakras, and is entirely channeled. Once you get comfortable with the processes and teachings outlined in Part 1, you’re ready to have some energetic shifts as you learn about chakras 4-7. The foundation of the lower 3 chakras absolutely must be in place before you work with Part 2. Be in touch with any questions about this.

As channeled material aims to alter your consciousness, plan to hear the mp3s of Part 2 with focus (no driving, avoid multitasking, etc.). Also, some will find they fall asleep readily when hearing channeled mp3s, and I encourage you to let that be okay. You’re still benefiting – you’re processing the info from a sleeping state.

I recommend using The Chakra Course in tandem with one of the two sets (22 or 31 days) of channeled meditation/energy work mp3s with Djehuty and Metatron, available here.

Part 1, $49.
Part 2, $49.
Parts 1 & 2, $98.