This 2-hour webinar will introduce unique, channeled teachings from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) on money as reflective of energy flow surrounding love, vulnerability, and being in the heart.
When we can learn about the energetics of money with this profound teaching, we can decouple our emotions from money and money from our emotions, leading to being able to resolve issues surrounding debt and receiving.
Structure: Listen to the included 112-minute introductory mp3, take notes on what jumps our at you, then come to the 2-hour, small-group class with a particular issue in your life to focus on with me, your spirit guides, and Ascended Master Djehuty, the source of these teachings.
We’ll teach you to shift energy, thought, attitude, belief, and self-esteem that manifest as money dynamics in your life. We’ll show you how to upgrade what you believe about yourself, money, others, giving and receiving, debt, and more.
I’ll use attendees’ astrology charts and life stories related to money–and the emotions and beliefs behind your money stories. I’ll work both with your spirit guides and Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) to identify your core issues and give you specific instructions on how to shift them.
As a webinar I’ve taught a number of times since 2012, I’ve seen people taking in these teachings radically change their relationship with money, shifting into more empowered perspectives so they can stop disempowering patterns. Even several years later, I hear from past attendees about how helpful this material was and still is for them.
Prerequisites: The basic requirement is a willingness to explore money issues without judgment, and a willingness to learn to like, respect, and love yourself more. You do not need to be into or expert with astrology to attend, though I will sometimes use birth charts and terms for educational purposes for those who are.
I will provide the recording of each webinar to those who attend.
I’m planning to do a number of these one-off, two-hour webinars over several months. Each is open to 4 attendees.
$70, including the 112-minute intro mp3.
The schedule–check back for updates.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 from 9-11 AM Pacific. Two spots open.
“Highly recommend this provocative, challenging, and transformative course!”
–J., Nevada
“I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed yesterday’s Zoom. I have already begun to make some changes in my thinking and working with the affirmations you suggested! It was incredibly insightful and helpful in many ways. Thanks so much.”
–R., Florida