Join me for a unique and enlightening 2-month exploration into the deeper meaning of Chiron to come out of the apparent–but false–dichotomy of wounded vs. wounded healer.
Class materials will be released August 1, 2023.
Group class calls begin August 18, 2023 (and go through the end of September).
Individual minireadings will be released in order of class sign-up, with as many by August 18 as possible.
My Chiron teaching began as channeled wisdom from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) in 2008, when I asked this being what would happen in 2012 with the end of the Mayan Calendar.
I was surrounded by speculation and wishful thinking, and reached out to a being I knew offered neither hope (wishful thinking) nor hype.
The answers were about a new approach to Chiron and healing. They focused on this Centaur as a marker of energetic and emotional sensitivity that’s central to human evolution as we head toward the Aquarian Age. Since then I’ve developed this into a spiritual/astrological teaching that is opening hearts, healing the past, and showing people new directions into human evolution through compassion and acceptance.
In this unique healing intensive, I’ll teach you how to work with and honor the inner child who carries the Chironic wound.
Essentially, each human feels a sense of rejection as an infant, leading to all manner of patterns as she or he grows up to do everything possible to avoid being rejected again. When the Chironic inner self takes over, the person feels helpless and unloved as the inner child is now in charge. Many of us live our lives in confusing cycles of this temporary take over, and I will show you how to end it so your adult self can remain in charge of your life with compassion, acceptance, and healthy approaches to emotion, nurturing, and care.
Once the inner self-validation need is met, Chiron in any of us becomes resourceful, embracing uniqueness and offering alternate perspectives as valuable gifts.
We’ll also explore energy management, which includes grounding, energetic and emotional boundaries, and energetic self-care techniques all humans need to learn now.
Join me for this unique opportunity to dive into self-validation and emotional/energetic self-care!
Included Materials delivered via Podia
A personalized 20-minute minireading on your Chiron configuration.
(All will have access to each other’s minireadings for learning purposes.)
The Chiron Course (11+ hours of audio) and its transcription, Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age: The Key and How to Use It.
Optional Group Call Schedule
Note: Originally they were to begin on August 15, now they begin on August 18 due to my travel schedule.
Check your time zone here.
Fridays September 8, 15, 22, & 29 at 6 PM Pacific
Wednesdays September 6, 13, 20, & 27 at 10 AM Pacific
Other Notes
All attendees can opt for private half-hour readings/coaching sessions to support their Chironic healing and processing for $110, regularly $140. This offer will be active from August 18 to end of September, about a week after the incubator ends.
$325. Sign up via Podia to use PayPal, Stripe, and other payment options, or email me to request another form of payment.
Registration is open until August 18.
From current participants:
I am loving all of the content so far! Very rich and impactful, and a much more empowering take on Chiron than one finds in more traditional teachings.
J.Thank you!!!! LOVING everything so far I haven’t been able to find a ton of really meaty info on Chiron, either astrological or how it relates emotionally, so this is very satiating!