Stop Apologizing For Yourself: A new video of a written channeling

‘Note: no audio included.

After a 3-minute experiment the other day in recording typing out part of a channeled teaching from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin, and Hermes), I did a longer one, recording the whole thing. This ascended master will answer questions of anyone who asks, and I’ve had a relationship with this energy for over a decade.

Sometimes the answers to questions I ask become teachings as books, mp3s, and other formats. You can see the rhythm changes, as well as when I begin one word because it feels right and then I realize it’s not the right one and backtrack (and, of course, also just typos). My process of channeling Djehuty often has a start-and-stop feel, as I find the connection and words come through sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

I believe that you can use this to get into a meditative state and alter your consciousness for the better. Even though it’s different than reading a finished text or listening to verbal channeling, I encourage you to give this a watch and see what it might do for you. 56 minutes.

6 channeled books I’ve brought through from Djehuty:

Numerous audio mp3s including lectures and energy work/meditation mp3s:…

I also offer a number of energetically programmed crystals and stones to help you open, heal, release, and evolve. They function as batteries, giving off frequencies that interrupt old patterns and help you begin new ones. During December 2018, I’m offering 25% off all programmed crystals. Go to and click on the crystals graphic to learn more and see available pieces.