Click here for available programmed yellow jasper pieces.
This programmed stone is for opening and grounding the 3rd chakra, the seat of personal power. This energy center is the one in which we – through every single decision – either build or diminish personal power.
If one carries guilt, shame, embarrassment, self-doubt, or regret, it’s in the 3rd chakra and contributing to his or her sense of personal power. The self-image in your 3rd chakra is the battery that powers your entire life.
The affirmations “I alone define who I am” and “All of my choices are based in self-respect and lead to self-care” tell much of the story of anyone’s 3rd chakra. In many ways, the 3rd chakra building of personal power through self-respecting, self-caring choices can release and heal 1st- and 2nd-chakra self-definition based in tribal/group issues and interpersonal relationships, respectively.
As of April 27, 2019: All of these stones are now programmed with Archangel Metatron’s energy. This frequency is about teaching you to be uncompromising when it comes to self-respect. I recommend focusing on the 3rd chakra (even with a hand on your belly to put attention on it, if you like) with this stone, and using the affirmation, “All of my choices are based in self-respect and lead to self-care.” You can use this to establish a metric against which to measure all of your potential choices. Essentially, you will come to know from the sense of strengthening or weakening in your 3rd chakra if, in a given choice, option A or option B helps you like yourself more or less.
If you use this affirmation with this programmed stone daily, you will reorient how and why you make choices and will develop more self-trust and, therefore, personal power.
See a video on these crystals and programmed shiva lingams here. (Note: This video was made when I programmed these stones with the energy/consciousness level of Ascended Master Djehuty; all of these are now programmed with Archangel Metatron’s energy.)
A note on shipping: In the USA, $8.45 insured USPS shipping unless otherwise noted. I am not currently shipping internationally.