Free Download: Ascended Master Djehuty on Healing Suicide

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For those who have considered or tried it, for those who have done or tried it in another life, and for those who have survived the suicide of another in this or any life, this 68-minute MP3 offers a chance for understanding, insight, and healing.

Djehuty is as always no-nonsense in his approach and in all things takes a compassionate stance. Here he explains the impact on soul of the act of suicide and how we can deal with self-destructive tendencies in ourselves and others. He explores feeling between rocks and hard places, losses of faith, losses in general of all kinds, and the feelings of desperation and hopelessness that can lead many to consider and, sometimes, take action.

This is a 68-minute invitation to love yourself into recovering faith by dealing with the realities that come from difficult life experiences. Saturn currently transiting Scorpio and the solar eclipse earlier today in that same sign – not to mention the transiting North Node there – ask us to deal with and feel into deep, buried Scorpionic truths. One that many humans carry within their field/consciousness is that it is possible to lose faith in life, Goddess/God, the Universe, each other, and everything else if we are feeling enough of a deep pain and despair and do not know what to do with it.

After channeling it I was blown away and had to rest and let the teaching integrate. Then when I edited the raw audio into the final product, I broke down in tears. Soon after I shared it with my girlfriend, who’s heard and read all of what I’ve channeled since this way of living began. She said it’s the most powerful channeling I’ve done, and I have to agree.

In fact, I recorded it on September 24, 2012 and edited it two days later. It’s taken the last 6 weeks for me to heal my own past-life suicides, as these fragments of me came back to make contact when I was editing the file. They brought their sadness, anger, frustration, and other intense emotions with them and it took me 6 weeks to learn to be kind to them and show them reasons that the rest of me does in fact have faith in life, the world, etc. Now they’re here. They do still carry a pessimism that I’m working with consciously, telling them on a daily basis all the things that I love about being alive.

Regarding my own experience, I have at times in my life had a visceral knowing that I could never kill myself but did have periods of depression that I could not see how to find a way out of. I just knew that it didn’t solve anything – I knew it in my bones – you’d just have to come back and deal with the results later.

Not everyone has done this in one life or another but many have considered it when it seems there’s no other way out of a situation. We have also all been affected by the suicides of others in multiple lives. This MP3 needs to be heard by as many as possible – we need to heal from this reality whether part of our experience personally or taking place in the world around us.

Pass the word on to others – send the link to this post to all you can think of who would benefit from understanding, insight, and release when it comes to suicide.

If we are open to altering perspective on what is happening and why, we see there is always a way through what pains us. I hope you’ll join me in passing along this teaching – for anyone who needs it, it is tremendously important.

Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand what your soul is here to do and how to make it happen with grace, ease, and joy. Book your private consultation, get a Soul’s Journey Soundbite, and explore intuitive coaching and astrology tutoring by visiting Jacobs offers 12 books including the new The Soul’s Journey II: Emotional ArchaeologyThe Soul’s Journey radio show airs live each Thursday at 6 pm Pacific.