Registration open until the end of today, 08Nov for the Transforming Self-Doubt event

If you want to be on the call live, registration is open for the rest of the day. Otherwise, get the MP3 for later use. The effects are the same but I know some people prefer being on calls such as these live.

Archangel Metatron and Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) will lead you into a deeply grounded meditative state first, and then speak a teaching about transforming self-doubt as they do energy work on all who hear it.

Read more and register here.

For a few weeks I’ve been getting my prep to be able to do the event for you. I’ve been shown – mostly by Metatron, a guide of mine – what in my world makes me doubt myself and how to shift perspective to move through it. It might seem that I wouldn’t need prep for the event as I am just the channel – the vehicle for them – but in fact they need me to get certain things in order to do energy work through me. So before I channel them on a particular topic I get taken through my very own tour as though I’m on the event.

It’s been about 3 weeks of it. I’ve been frustrated at times, especially seeing the same theme brought up again and again, but I know that I’m seeing it in order to learn to evolve through and beyond it. Over the years I’ve learned to see tough times and difficult feelings as vehicles for growth, and it’s over the long haul brought an element of humility to being a channel. It’s not cool to be able to do this stuff as much as it is intense work to keep up with what the masters and angels want to do for you through me – I always go through it first, whatever it is.

Tomorrow’s Transforming Self-Doubt event will be powerful and life-changing for all who hear it. It will stir up what you need to see regarding emotional and intellectual/belief-oriented reasons that you doubt yourself in any way.

Join us for the event or get the MP3 afterward – you won’t regret allowing these supportive beings to help you and change your life for the better.