Yesterday I channeled Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron/Sariel to provide transformative work for turning around the reasons we use to doubt ourselves in all ways.
I’ve been channeling Djehuty for something like 7 years and working with Metatron as a guide for 9, but during events they always surprise me. Djehuty sometimes gives me a game plan or outline for an event in the days or weeks before it, sometimes even when I schedule it months ahead. This time I had the title from them and a suspicion of what might happen, but it all news to me.
For one thing, they focus on opening up our willingness to imagine as we did when children. They talk about a sense of the possible being an important element of our creative power as divine beings, inviting us to stop thinking of dreams and aspirations from childhood as silly or immature. They say that yes, we now have more ability to think through things and reason clearly but that this isn’t a reason to give up our natural sense of imagining things better than they are now.
There’s a lot in this 90-minute MP3 that’s interesting to me, actually. The energy work on this MP3 is centered on clearing out and cleaning up your 1st and 2nd chakras while strengthening your 3rd chakra. Much of the call I notice now is meant to activate your 3rd chakra, which is the energy center where you decide who you are on your own terms, not in terms of the people you come from past or present (1st chakra) or how your relationships have gone/what others have told you about you (2nd chakra).
Read more and order it. When you get the MP3 I send you a note from Djehuty, Metatron, and me meant to help you prepare to hear it.
It’s powerful stuff and I hope you will get on board with us on this evolutionary track. The world is changing but you’re changing faster – we’re bringing through this work to give you teachings, support, and direction as you find your footing in these new times.