You can call in whenever you like, or you can register to get all 22 MP3s and still have access to each call you can join. You can use the MP3s whenever you want – and forever, making this a great investment in beginning, jump-starting, or rejuvenating a daily meditative practice.
Read all the details and register here.
It’s a daily process of altering your consciousness intentionally. What happens is this: I bring through Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron, carrying their frequencies in my voice and body. During each meditation session, we ask you to let these positive, life-affirming, confident vibrations affect you.
The result is that you get an energetic, consciousness tune-up. Doing that daily will change your life, as you will daily get out of your head and the circles and cycles it runs in, often deciding to have a life of its own and then convincing you that its life is, in fact, your life.
Spending time frequently with Djehuty & Metatron changes that, putting you in a space in which your mind is a helpful advisor and the rest of you can be online, too. When you feel fear, self-doubt, regret, and bitterness, that’s your mind. Connecting with the energies I carry when I channel can put the emphasis back on the parts of you that can learn to get grounded, be more loving, and shed fears.
Each night through October 22nd from 6-6:20pm Pacific/9-9:20pm Eastern will be a live call. Remember that you can sign up at any time to get the full set of 22 MP3s (a new one posted daily through the 22nd as soon as the live call is complete), enabling you to step into this wonderful, empowering process on your own schedule.
And whether you’re on the live call or hear the MP3 later – even years later – the effect occurs. Meaning that Djehuty and Metatron’s energies come through the recording and when you invite them in as we ask on each MP3, they will come to you. For me personally, it’s good to know that I can always call on them. And now you can, too.