From D., a woman in Washington state I recently met and read for during my trip to Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA. She also attended the two meditation events I offered in each city.
She’s been calling in almost daily and is also using the MP3s when she can’t call in. Click the graphic at left to read about this process and sign up to get the 22 MP3s to boost, rejuvenate, or maintain a daily practice. What we are vibrating (through thoughts, feelings, and beliefs) creates life around us. If we don’t like something we are experiencing, it is essential to raise our vibratory state. These 22 MP3s are intended to provide you with a framework for an empowering daily practice with two loving, supportive, and empowering beings, Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron.
Hi Tom 🙂
This has been such an incredible experience!! Thank you 🙂
I have been cleaning and washing my energetic and emotional body, and lots of things have been coming up. It’s funny, as I stay open, it’s like each morning is an adventure and I wonder what the day will bring. The days seem so long:)
Some of the things that came up were good, others really hard to move through. But the nightly meditation calls seem to be so well structured that they anticipate the types of issues that will come up and support it, to give me exactly what I need!
Last night’s call was amazing, again 🙂 It helped me move through something I felt like I was torturing myself over for couple days ….
I had more interesting dreams and woke up to my upper Heart Chakra literally vibrating ! (Like it felt when I had it open 3 or 4 months ago during meditation, when I asked my guides to show me where they were from. Their answer was to fly me up and 45 degree angle forward , to a blue star, and a beam of the most intense light came down and connected to my heart, there was an intense unbreakable pull , and it felt like my Thymus gland activated because it kept jumping up.) That is what I felt this morning, except without the beam.
I don’t know how it works, but it feels like my upper Heart, by my thymus gland, is connected, activated, vibrating, and it is my lower heart that is flowing out, creating that field of love. When you had us open our heart, keep it open, then think of the thing that brings fear, and watch the feelings and sensations , I noticed that it is my lower heart , the part that seems to flow out and generate my field of love, that is the part that closed with fear. As I worked to actively open it, work through the fear, something in me realized that I am able to do this even when I encounter fear. This is AMAZING ! I don’t have to be afraid of what I will create because I can focus on generating that field no matter what emotions I move through.
I feel so strong, and free, vibrant and alive this morning!! Open to what the day will bring:)
I had no idea your daily calls were actually going to deliver everything you said and more!
You really have found an elaborate, multi-dimensional, transformative tool!! It is incredible and priceless!Â
Thank you so much for sharing this!:)