Beginning Saturday, February 21st for 10 Saturdays, I’ll teach another round of my Intuitive Skills Development I course.
It’s a self-care course, and a honest-assessment-of-who-you-truly-are course. It’s a get-to-the-bottom-of-what-hurts course, as well as a learn-to-heal-what-hurts course. It’s an empowering course that will change how you see yourself and your history, relationships, and family.
The process that those taking this course go through is nothing short of profound. They get more into their bodies, learn to trust their intuition and instinct, deepen their awareness and subtle insights, and they make peace with aspects of their lives that they’ve never understood and have carried pain regarding – sometimes for a lifetime or more.
A developed intuition naturally follows cleaning up and clearing out old energies and emotions (fears, doubts, regrets, etc.) that block it. Each human is intuitive, and each human has things to work through to open to living in a loving state, the foundation of intuitive living.
You will learn why your life is unfolding the way it is, and what role your attitudes and beliefs play in it. You’ll also learn techniques and perspectives to change what in your life doesn’t work or still hurts, or causes confusion and difficulty.
We’ll take a tour of the chakras, working one-by-one on clearing out what needs to go, planting new seeds that will keep you empowered and able to take care of all in your life that needs addressing, and update and improve the beliefs that are running your life. Each week I’ll teach you to reframe your life and see how to change your interpretation of what’s in it, and we’ll do a meditation together in which I do energy work and calibrate each student’s energy to the frequencies of the beings I work with, Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron, giving you a leg up on adjusting to a higher version of yourself.
I love doing this course – it really changes people’s lives. Read the details in the PDF flier and be in touch with questions and comments.