Feedback on Charged Red Jasper: “Draining the poison out of me, giving me clarity.”

brj1I’m so happy to have found this in my email inbox this morning! The kind of effect you’ll read below is why I’ve created the red jasper stones and energetically programmed them. There’s no need for us to carry guilt, shame, hatred, or any other powerful negative emotion regarding our sexual natures and histories. We’re ready to embrace our histories as sexual beings and celebrate our creative, dynamic, passionate sides with openness.

“Dear Tom,
“Hello! I trust this letter finds you well. I was recently at a chanting retreat where I met a photographer, Russell, who felt inspired to gift me one of your charged Red Jaspers. I don’t know much about stones, crystal or about astrology, I simply took it as a friendly gesture. 

“The next day, I went to a yin yoga class, very gentle and inward, and found myself getting emotional and crying and feeling very very weak. I felt nauseous the whole day and stayed in bed. I felt ok, on a deep level, and I trusted that the yoga practice was just moving thing out. Didn’t know what the nausea was about, but it was there. 

“At night, I had an important dream! I saw a man who I had ‘fallen for’ and who had ‘sexually humiliated’ me when I was in college (it was my first sexual experience). I had felt broken for a long time after that, full of shame and confusion. In the dream, he is misbehaving with me, touching me callously in disrespectful ways, like a predator, trying to force arousal on me. He is licking my ear. I push him away. He tries again with my other ear. I push him away and I grab him, look him squarely in the face and kiss him on the mouth. He moves his mouth sideways and sticks out his tongue and contorts his face to mock me. At that point I grow bigger in size and I push his head down and down and down into the ground and I push his tail down and down, and I roll him up into a ball shape and I roll him away.

“Ah, what a self-redeeming dream! Done with him once and for all! Feeling stronger and grounded. Now I understood where the nausea came from, so much disgust had been there. 

“I shared the dream with my friend Russell and he forwarded me your article of Red Jasper ‘Healing the Effects of Sexual Abuse.’ I was stunned! When I was feeling nauseous, I held the red stone in my hand and I felt it pulsing somehow, as if draining the poison out of me, giving me clarity. I had no idea it was charged to effect sexual healing. It was just something I did on impulse and it felt good.

“I just want to thank you. 
“God bless.
“Zena in Beirut, Lebanon”

What these programmed/charged crystals do is hold and give off the frequencies of Archangel Metatron and Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin), which I’ve put into the stones. What doesn’t vibrate at their level – fear, hatred, etc. – begins to leave. It can’t help but leave! Bringing in the crystals I’ve charged is bringing into your life the empowering frequencies of these two supportive, loving, no-nonsense beings. Old, disempowering, and painful stuff we’ve carried from this life and other lives begins to find its way to the surface to be released.

See programmed red jasper pieces available now and order one for you or someone you love. These are gifts of healing whether for yourself or someone else!

20150423_102329Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker, and channel with a global practice of consultations, tutoring, and teaching. 15 books, 2 natal reports, a wealth of astrology and channeled audio, and programmed/charged crystals for healing and meditation including the new onyx pieces for Plutonian issues of all kinds are available via