Join me on Facebook Live this Saturday, April 7, 2019 from 9-10:10 AM Pacific time for a channeled teaching and energy clearing event called Clearing Sexual Debris.
I’ll channel A.M. Djehuty (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin, Hermes) and Archangel Metatron on understanding more about sexuality as part of human evolution now and clearing debris from our sexual histories. We’ll also go into the impact of sexuality on our health in numerous ways, especially residues from past encounters that we can ensure are cleared (including those from other lifetimes).
While channeling these teachings, we will do energy work on all attendees to clear energies that are no longer needed or helpful to carry.
We are all impacted by intimacy when we choose it and when we don’t.
The first 10 minutes or so will be an introduction of the two beings and an explanation of how the meditation/energy clearing will work. Then we’ll do a meditation for about 80 minutes, planning enough time to go deep and unearth some key debris that may be in your way now.
Join in here.
Free to access, with donations welcome here:
This is offered as part of programmed red jasper for opening, healing, and balancing the 2nd chakra as the featured energetically programmed crystal for Aries 2018.
See a video on this:
See available red jasper pieces: