From April 20-26, 2019, I’ll facilitate Cerealia, a sort of a festival of Ceres.
You might have heard of Saturnalia and Bacchanalia, festivals to honor Saturn and Bacchus, respectively.
This one’s all about the goddess of nurturing, parenting, protection, and care–Ceres.
Cerealia: Finding Ceres Within is a home-study course using channeled teachings and journaling exercises from Ascended Master Djehuty (a.k.a. Hermes, Merlin, St. Germain, Thoth) and some astrology from me to teach you how to understand and, if necessary, upgrade patterns of self-care in your life.
Read all the details and sign up here. Through the end of Sunday, February 18, 2019 you’ll find a code on that page to get 11% off any registration option.
Family history is part of Ceres work, as our younger days shaped how we approach love and care. And our present-day relationships reflect how we live out those old patterns and what we might have added or taken out, so they’re important, too.
After learning about Ceres’ myth and archetype–and astrology, if you wish (stay tuned for some videos on these topics available to all)–you’ll work with and journal channeled messages for a week. Djehuty will lead you through 7 days of themes related to living with Ceres and learning to love and care with more self-respect and self-validation.
The Seven Daily Channeled Texts with Questions for Reflection/Journaling from Ascended Master Djehuty
Day 1: Where does love come from?
Day 2: Whose needs matter?
Day 3: Does giving cost?
Day 4: Understanding and meeting emotional needs
Day 5: Family, relationships, and boundaries
Day 6: A deeper look at self-care
Day 7: Becoming the source of love for yourself
The Four Channeled Meditations to Support Your Process During the Week
- Finding, connecting with, and honoring the inner child (becoming the parent the child needs)
- Clearing others’ energy from the past and present
- Owning the power to choose
- Self-validation and becoming the source of love for yourself
After the week, I’ll host some optional debrief calls to share notes on the process and hear each other’s stories to create community. A lot of metaphysical/healing work is on the self (and, often, alone), so I like to include chances to get together via web conference and share notes.
Be in touch over email with any questions.