There’s a lot to this, but here are a few notes:
What’s your relationship with your intuition? How can it be improved? How can it be improved by trusting things you can’t see, touch or prove?
Are you willing to see that everything that happens to you happens for a reason? That there’s a bigger picture you/your soul is weaving so you can learn more about the varieties of human experience? That even the painful things exist for a reason, and that they’re not value judgments about you? (That you’re not being punished?)
Where do you get your information? How strict is your brain about insisting on being the only source of information? Where in your body/being do you KNOW things? What other voices in you haven’t been heard but would like to?
If you’ve asked to grow/learn/change/shift/evolve, are you willing to adjust to the speed at which you’re capable of processing old junk and moving into the present? Are you willing to trust that the speed at which things are coming at you is the right speed; that you can in fact handle everything that’s coming down the pike? That as soon as you ask to learn, whatever comes to you IS the course of study?
Aquarius is the objective energy, the forward-looking energy. At worst, in Aquariusland we’re disassociated from our bodies and other people, objectively eyeing the world around us without being involved. At best, we’re able to work with the objectivity Aquarius offers to adjust whatever courses in our lives might not be working for our highest good, and channel our passion into creative, world-changing endeavors.
Jupiter’s the energy of faith and vision, imagining a better future. Neptune’s the energy of trust and surrender, of connecting to the fabric of the greater whole around us. Chiron’s the energy of shifting perspective and inviting new ways of feeling into things, understanding pain and suffering in new ways (ultimately, to get us to choose more compassion)…
What are you being asked to do?