Mercury retroed over Mars and Pluto in early Capricorn yesterday, but I’m still thinking about it today.
An image was floating around in my head about this: Mars and Pluto c0lluding about some sort of dramatic action, planned for just the right moment and to be executed flawlessly when the moment arrived.
Mercury is following them around with a list on a clipboard, interjecting now and then about how all the careful planning might not have been careful enough – the ducks might not all be in the right rows after all.
To make sure everyone’s shoes were tied was on the list.
The questions Mercury asks in its retrogrades we tend to see as such annoyances. Mars and Pluto are about to change history in some grand way and all Mercury can offer is a reminder to make sure everyone’s shoes are tied.
Look at what seems not to be going well, Mercury-wise, and see how you can restate what’s going in the form of a question retro Mercury is asking you. It will look like things just aren’t working, but it’s often fruitful to look at why they are working the way that they are.
(Note the note that they are in fact working…just not according to plan. The not-according-to-plan bit is the rule of Mercury retros, and we can have great experiences during these thrice-annual times if we are willing to see this and make use of the alternate functioning of all things Mercury, including brains, mouths, and hands.)
Sometimes the avenue you keep trying to send yourself down isn’t the best one. A Mercury retro wouldn’t reveal that more than another time but your awareness, your capacity to look into and re-think things, is augmented during these times. If you can shift your perspective, it can be more obvious if that is the case.
Mars is about forward action, and Pluto about the most important and serious things. Working through Capricorn, they are strategizing about foundations and long-term plans. Let the Mercury retro bring you to see into these plans – are they thought out well? Do they lay out and work toward the right kind of future? Is that direction a good place to direct your time and energy? Does it represent what you really want to achieve and create?
Take the time to check all those ducks and rows. See how willing you are to alter plans to make sure you’re headed in the right direction and with all of your accessories (and their laces) intact.
Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, medium, channel, author, and coach offering insight into why your soul is here and guidance about how to make it happen. Contact him via his site for private readings and to learn about intuitive coaching. Tom is the author of five books on metaphysics and astrology available via his site and Amazon. Chiron, 2012, and the Aquarian Age: The Key and How to Use It is his new 11-hour MP3 course, also available through his site.