This happens Saturday 9/29 at 8:19 pm Pacific time. It’s a power-packed lunation because it gets on board with and calls in the tension, pressure, and need to change described by the square from Uranus to Pluto in Aries-Capricorn.
The FM will be conjunct Uranus and square Pluto rather tightly. All the invitations to shed old limiting power dynamics and set ourselves free to live in the present moment have had us confronting the past and how we have carried it forward. It has challenged us to step into the present tense in our lives by freeing ourselves from what we think should be happening (that we have created through believing it’s good, right, or appropriate) and get clear on what actually should be happening given how we are wired, what we need, and who we are and are becoming.
This is all happening around 7 degrees Libra-Aries-Capricorn. Needless to say, if you have placements in the first half of Cardinal signs you will be affected directly.
The FM invitation is to let your Aries need for freedom (conjunct Uranus) of self definition and self care rise to the surface and throw down the gauntlet in the face of historical pressures and the opinions of others re how you should live. The Sun in Libra will shine a light on how we have been shaped (willingly or not) by the expectations, requirements, dictates, and reflections of others. It’s important to realize the scope of the mechanisms of Libran communications here. It’s not just when someone has told you something that has shaped your willingness to be or not be who you are. It’s also in looks, gestures, using something against you later as fodder for criticism, and oblique, civilized-seeming references to your (perceived) flaws and shortcomings even years later that affect and shape your Libran sensibilities.
When we do Libra we listen to the other and body language and subtle hints and not-so-subtle references count. This FM is about emphasizing the emotional reality that that stuff hurts yes, but stopping there would be the easy way out. If you want to use this energetic powerhouse FM to full advantage, decide to be free of all historical reflections others have offered you that have kept you feeling not free and – here it is – choosing to feel small, weak, timid, and afraid in the face of life.
Each of us has an Aries self even if we lack placements in this sign. Each of us has a need to set the self free, too. There isn’t a person alive who doesn’t have the very real ability to act on instinct, intuition, and impulse in inspiring, freeing ways that honor his or her warrior self.
Saturday I am hosting a very special event for the Full Moon to help you harness its power. The Consciousness Upgrade Clinic is your chance to create and a “software upgrade” of consciousness level through inviting Ascended Master Djehuty to upgrade yours. In order to channel him (a.k.a. Thoth, St. Germain, and Merlin) I’ve received numerous upgrades from him over the last 7 or so years. I’ve had to in order to be able to see his side of things, work with karma and heal across time, and be able to communicate his views and vision to others effectively.
We’re scheduling this opportunity for you to get your consciousness raised to the next level. Mine have seemed haphazard and random and I’ve had to learn how to adjust to my consciousness being radically altered. For you, we are scheduling the upgrade and I will be sharing with you how to adjust to what happens, so you will be benefiting from my 7 years of education about consciousness gained first-hand. A major opportunity will be to call back fragments of you across time who can help you with an issue in your life that is confusing or vexing. It’s a unique form of what might be called soul retrieval that Djehuty has taught me and shown me how to teach others to do. I’ve been looking for the right forum to teach and do the process with a group (I’ve done it many dozens of times for individuals and myself) and this event is it.
Here is the video (20 mins.) announcing and explaining the event:
And the flier is here with all the details for the event.
Note: If you cannot make the event you can get the recording and benefit just as callers do. Djehuty’s consciousness exists across and outside time and if you get in the right space with him (that he will lead us into during the event) and ask him to do the work for you, it will happen. This recording can also be used again in the future to go through another round of raising awareness level, so I encourage you to join the event if you can or get the recording.
If you can’t make it but want to experience it, register for the event via PayPal or contact me to pay with a credit card or check.
I haven’t event mentioned that I’ve dropped the price from $50 to $41. And for a limited time, the recording after the event will remain at the lower price so I encourage you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity at this great price.
I’m really happy to be able to offer this event to support your evolution. I’ve done a ton of work for clients and live-event audiences on smaller scales and shorter durations, but this 2.5 hours with the Ascended Master gives us time to do a very deep and profound level of work on your consciousness.
Now, you have to come to the event willing to shed the past and free yourself – you have to open the door to receiving an upgrade. I can tell you that all of the upgrades I’ve experienced have been worth it – I am much more able to find peace when stressed, come back to being loving after finding myself in fear, and I am able to see the truth of why things happen even as I experience them directly. I’m also able to deal with fears as they come to the surface in more conscious, grounded ways, making down time because of processing intense past-life fears, trauma, and pain much shorter.
It’s about evolution, and if there could be a Full Moon offering the promise of change for the better, it’s this one in Aries conjunct Uranus and square Pluto.