At 11:15 am Pacific time today Moon makes an exact conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.
To make the best use of this aspect, feel into what lies under the surface. Let yourself become aware of how you feel about how things are going in your world.
The message with Pluto in Capricorn is that we have to dig deep in order to find the part of us that is willing to take charge of our lives and be our own authority. Pluto here (since early 2008) has been revealing slowly and intensely where we have ceded and surrendered our power to the apparent authority of others. We’re to take it back, yes, but to do it right we absolutely must not blame those others. We must take responsibility for how we have given in to an image of ourselves as less strong than others.
Pluto in Capricorn also calls on us to re-evaluate our perceptions and conceptions of what power and strength are and who gets to have them when. Saturn transiting through Scorpio echoes these themes.
I invite you to see yourself as a powerful, Divine being learning about what that means and requires. Look at others to whom you have given your willingness to be strong as teachers who have shown up to reflect to you what you perceive strength and power are and who gets to have them when. The fact is that each of us gets to have them but we can do so only if we give ourselves permission to be strong while we revamp what we think strength is. The almost 2-hour Saturn in Scorpio MP3 will help you work through this process.
The conjunction will sextile rx Mercury-Venus-Chiron in Pisces, adding to the story a need to bring compassion and giving self and other the benefit of the doubt. This configuration is about opening the heart but in an intentional way that gets to the bottom of what is really going on, not simply gushing and then needing to figure out how to mop up the mess later. Speaking what comes up could be important ensure that if it happens, be clear about what is worth communicating. I mean that make sure you are owning what you are feeling and not blaming others for your experience.
The best strategy is to be willing to feel what is under the surface and treat yourself and others with conscious, compassionate awareness. If you can create the opportunity to express those feelings then do it but the primary point is that you honor what you are feeling and don’t shy away from hearing from deeper parts of yourself.
Tom Jacobs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Medium, and Channel helping you understand what your soul is here to do and how to make it happen with grace, ease, and joy. Book your private consultation, get a Soul’s Journey Soundbite, and explore intuitive coaching and astrology tutoring by visiting Jacobs offers 12 books including the new The Soul’s Journey II: Emotional Archaeology. The Soul’s Journey radio show airs live each Thursday at 6 pm Pacific on Contact Talk Radio.