There’s still time to register for Monday, 7/7’s powerful call. I’ll channel Ascended Master Djehuty and Archangel Metatron and together we’ll do deep energy work and clearing while planting new, positive seeds.
On one level, my job is to hold a set of empowering frequencies that you can co-opt. When you do, your energy field – and, therefore, your consciousness – begins to shift. I’ve been through years of work with unseen friends to get to the place where I can do this for you, and the effects on others are pretty amazing. When you decide that you’re safe and are willing to let those frequencies in, your life begins to change for the better. The frequencies I carry fill you with positive energies and the negative emotions and past wounding begin to shift, release, and burn off.
Calls like the one this Monday are focused opportunities to shed the knots, blocks, and bruises from the past so you can be free of what holds you back. Regarding abuse of all kinds, it can cover quite a large spectrum of experiences. The channeling and energy work during this one will dig through deep layers in your field and psyche to root out what from the past is still with you that holds you in a stuck pattern that doesn’t serve you.
Participants routinely use the MP3s of the events many times to go deeper, and you can do this by getting the MP3 if you can’t make the live call. The effects are just as strong and life-changing.
Register for the live call until noon Pacific Monday, 7/7 here. The call is from 6-7:30pm Pacific, lasting 90 minutes. All who get the MP3 afterward or register for the live event will receive notes from me on how to prep for hearing/experiencing the MP3 and going through the energy work process it opens up.