In 2006, Pluto was demoted from the status of planet to dwarf planet, and everyone just about freaked out. But what was not as noticed is that Ceres was promoted from asteroid to dwarf planet, making it more important for us to take a deeper look into.
Chances are this little planet figures more prominently in your life that you thought. GMOs, organic food/raw milk issues, the costs of allopathic health care when it’s damaging, preventative illnesses not prevented, eating disorders including emotional eating, and more are related to Ceres energy.
Some suggestions for getting to know Ceres:
First, watch this 75-minute video covering myth, archetype, and astrology of Ceres, a marker in the chart of nurturing (both receiving and giving), mentoring, and love-through-action:
Second, check out the “Ceres in the birth chart” shorter videos on my YouTube Ceres playlist to see my analyses of a few charts’ Ceres configurations.
Third, sign up for Cerealia, a festival of Ceres I’m facilitating in April.
It’s an inner exploration of your own patterns of love and care using channeled texts and meditations.
When young, we’re shown models of love and care by our families. As adults, we may inadvertently repeat them to our detriment, wondering where love, support, and validation will come from and overlooking what we need to be healthy and happy.
My efforts to emphasize Ceres now also have to do with nurturing energy as a remedy for some of the stress arising from the Pluto-Saturn dance in Capricorn beginning to unfold now (off and on from March 2019 to November 2020 if using a 5-degree orb).
With it, we’re asked to decide who’s in charge of our lives, and we’re challenged to step up to take care of ourselves in new ways.
Join me in April for this unique home-study course! There’s nothing else like it anywhere.